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Elemental sprites and SV battlers


Hi I want to request for elemental sprites like fire golems or water monster just anything 'cause I just need
some elemental enemies. I prefer to have a complete battler with all kinds of motion but a static SV battler will do also :D thanks in advance comrades


Staff member
Here are over 25 elemental/wisp battlers:

If you desire to make the sv_actor type of battlers, using a plugin, it is easy to accomplish. All you do, if you want 64X64 sized sv_battlers using sv_actor sets, is to delete all images on the actor_sv sheet, and modify the size of the battler to fit the 64X64 image area. Copy it, and make it in a slightly different area of the next 64X64 grid. Continue to the next, and so on. This will give it a hovering effect.