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EDUN RPG: 2016 Recruitment Thread




Mock-ups of final "Character Bust Arts" Done back as a Style Test.

Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen!
We are currently looking for an enthusiastic Programmer/Scripter and/or Game Designer looking for a project to do. Essentially, we want to produce a game that, although uses RPG Maker MV as an engine, shouldn’t feel so. There are a lot of other in-game factors we still are yet to decide.

This game is specifically going to be turn-based, dungeon, boss rush. We are very open to how you want this game to be in terms of design in direction as long as it works under the current narrative and visual direction we’ve provided. We won’t be using sprites/tilesets.
These are mock-up UI/Assets all put together as a "Style Test". These are all done in Photoshop.
Just to clarify- a “boss rush” is essentially a game that will focus more on combat mechanics rather than exploration and puzzles. We have a good reasoning for this- and we’ll explain why after some time. For now- we’re looking for a Programmer and/or Game Designer capable of filling one or either of roles.

We’ll be building this game from the ground up- from the GDD, to the Prototypes, and Alpha, Beta, and Release. So yes. You get to do some creative part. :)

Project Overview:
Project EDUN 2016: RPG is a limited-scope, sci-fi, fantasy “boss-rush” styled, turn-based RPG. The game’s focus will be using narrative as a “reward mechanic”. It aims to be a streamlined, “easy-to-grab-n-go” RPG game. The assets we’ll be delivering will entirely be based on what newer team members have to offer- so feel free time experiment within the constraints of our current Art Scope.​

Story Overview:
The story takes place in a fictional world called Edun. This world, inhabited by Humans- now known as the Nomads- are sandwiched in a war between two ancient races known as the Celestial and the Hellbourne. Some of the citizens of these three races refuse to take sides in this war- and some of us lead our own side to stop this war.​

As big as the story scope sounds- we've got that part covered. So don't worry about it.
These are Character Assets all put together as a "Style Test"- and not actual assets.
These are Enemy Assets all put together as a "Style Test"- and not actual assets.


Current Project Scope (In Art):
  • 1.5-2 hours of gameplay at most.

  • 1 Main Quest with a linear storyline. (Open for more- but only within scope)

  • 3 Playable Characters.

  • 2 Custom Environments “Tileset” (1 Town, 1 Dungeon )

  • 2-4 Custom Enemy Mobs, 3 Custom Enemy Bosses

  • 16 (or so) Custom Frames/Illustration for Storytelling/Cut Scenes.

  • Some other stuff such as Effects, UI, and so on are TBD on your Design.
Current Team Members:
  • Clint
    • Project Lead, Producer, Artist (Character, BG, UI, etc.) You can view my portfolio at
  • RJ
    • Story and Script Writer, QA/Tester. Ru has completed 3 novels, heaps of short stories, and has played more jRPGs than he could count.

Our Portfolio:

Positions Available:

Game Designer and/or Programmer (includes Event Scripting, etc.)

It would be cool if:

  • You play a lot of jRPGs- and want to step-up on the “interaction” part of it.

  • Enjoys creating “puzzles” of sorts within the limitations of an RPG game’s combat system. (Though- we are open to how you modify the existing system as well!)

  • Enjoys and respects working in a team! Communication is key- and you’ll be working with a writer and an artist- and possibly more.

  • Can work under soft “deadlines”. It’s a production- and we gotta keep things moving. We are open to keeping things on-going, but we don’t want this project to go above 4-6 months. (Hopefully to be shipped within the month of April 2017. We got some time till then.)

What we expecting to be collaborating on:
  • All aspects of pre-production. This includes Design Philosophies, GDDs, and Event/Story Planning. I’ll be organizing a lot of the upcoming meetings and production tasks to get this game done. Rest assured, It’s on my responsibility to keep the coders coding and the designers designing.
  • Have a call on Story and Art! Even though we’ve roughly laid out our Beginning, Middle, and End- Gameplay affects a huge factor of the overall “feel” of the game we produce. We’re giving you a voice in our team to make some calls if improves our final output overall.
  • Showing your work to the world. It’s been awhile since I personally have had the opportunity to ship a game- heck- I have minimal experience at it. We’re keeping an open mind on how and where we want to put our work out- and we’d want you to be there once we get some testers here and there so we can re-iterate on the game’s overall. It won’t be a <big> product- but we want it to be a well-polished one.

  • This is an unpaid opportunity. At the end of the project, we hope to have delivered a portfolio-level product that we are proud of and ready to present for better opportunities. As the team’s Project Lead and Artist, I see it as my responsibility that our game LOOKS cool enough for people to engage on. Now, it’s your responsibility to make sure people ENJOY the actual gameplay side of it.
  • I’ve had the opportunity to graduate in a school specializing in Game Development (Digipen, Singapore). My best friend works as a programmer in a Game Studio at the moment as well. Not a promise or anything- but I can assure you that when things get “rough”, I’ll have people to turn to for consultation (be it technical, scope, design, or whatever problems our team are bound to face.) It will be a learning experience.
  • There are no plans for monetization as the final product will only be a short playable. Where the game will be publicized is still to be discussed.
Software Requirements:

  • RPG Maker MV
  • Skype (It would be extra awesome if you have a mic, as well.)
  • Dropbox/Google Drive (for passing files)

Composer and anyone who can help with Post-Production

We are also looking for a Music Composer for the game- but this isn’t urgent at the moment. Still- message us if you’re interested! We’re trying to find a great mix between classic RPG strings and modern rave-like/dubsteppy stuff.

In addition to that, there are some “blind spots” in our time we are currently aware of. This includes community management, publicizing, and other post-production stuff. If you feel like you can help out with these parts of the production, we’re open to hear from you as well.

A sneak peak on our Playable Characters for the project.

Please shoot me an email at TheClintHennesy(at) gmail or PM me here.

Remember to introduce yourself, tell us how you want to contribute. Show some sample screenshots (maybe?) of past projects you’ve done! We’ll be conducting a short interview through Skype eventually if it gets there.

We’re really excited and enthusiastic to work with you guys and am looking forward to get this done!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day ahead.


Resident Dragon
I really wish I had the skill set that you need because this looks amazing. :D

I'm happy to help playtest the releases though if you're someone for that purpose! :D

Good luck in your search!


I really wish I had the skill set that you need because this looks amazing. :D

I'm happy to help playtest the releases though if you're someone for that purpose! :D

Good luck in your search!
Oh Definitely. We'll need a good handful of play-testers. I'll put you on my little list and definitely contact you when we get to that point. xD (If we get to that point.)


You can hit me up for post production when you need it. I also write and map if your interested.
Ahh. thanks for the interest. Though- I'm kind of at this weird state of panic cuz I haven't gotten any responses yet. Haha. I can't stop thinking that maybe I might have done something wrong. xD

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Sigh... I am literally a part of another team not to mention I have my own project that I need to desperately work on but seeing this amazing art and the fact your looking for a scripter and Eventer really makes me want to join in your development adventure. What to do? I'm going to think on this, see how much progress I make over the weekend and get back to you but I'm very intrigued, if you'd like to see my resources just click my resources below in my signature. Also will this be commercial?, I thought I read that somewhere.


Sigh... I am literally a part of another team not to mention I have my own project that I need to desperately work on but seeing this amazing art and the fact your looking for a scripter and Eventer really makes me want to join in your development adventure. What to do? I'm going to think on this, see how much progress I make over the weekend and get back to you but I'm very intrigued, if you'd like to see my resources just click my resources below in my signature. Also will this be commercial?, I thought I read that somewhere.

Hey LTN Games! :D

No pressure. I'm just keeping the options open and see what happens. :D
Will this be commercial? Well- to be honest, I'm not aiming for it to be commercial- but the idea is not off the table.

For me- my goal is really just to make a game with kickass art. Making a game alone is hard- so I got a writer to write with- and now, we're at that phase of "Let's start making some prototypes and see how game play goes!". Say you've had experience in commercializing games before- or you feel that this game has some commercial potential- I'm definitely open to the idea. For me- All I want to do is make the art and make sure the product "ships". xD

I'm keeping an open mind on how the next team mate we have will impact the direction of the project- so really. It's going to be a group-made decision. :D

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Understandable, the creation and development is the best part of game development commercial or not and with your art the final product will look like commercial material ;) Either way I'd be happy. Well, I'll work really hard on my current project so I can get myself at a stable location with my story and team this weekend and I'll report back here. If I feel I have enough time to dedicate to your project ill be sure to reply with some more examples of things I can do. I'm a jack of all trades so I know a little bit of everything and my strong skills are photoshop, mapping and eventing. I've only recently started programming with javascript about a month after RPG Maker MV was released but I'd consider myself intermediate when it comes to programming with JS. Learning javascript also expands my knowledge with eventing which allows me to really think outside the default MV box, Anyways, sorry if my post has bad formattig I'm doing this all on my phone, so , I'll be back either way to let you know. See you soon :)


Understandable, the creation and development is the best part of game development commercial or not and with your art the final product will look like commercial material ;) Either way I'd be happy. Well, I'll work really hard on my current project so I can get myself at a stable location with my story and team this weekend and I'll report back here. If I feel I have enough time to dedicate to your project ill be sure to reply with some more examples of things I can do. I'm a jack of all trades so I know a little bit of everything and my strong skills are photoshop, mapping and eventing. I've only recently started programming with javascript about a month after RPG Maker MV was released but I'd consider myself intermediate when it comes to programming with JS. Learning javascript also expands my knowledge with eventing which allows me to really think outside the default MV box, Anyways, sorry if my post has bad formattig I'm doing this all on my phone, so , I'll be back either way to let you know. See you soon :)
Great! Looking forward to it! :D :D :D


View attachment 4655


View attachment 4653
Mock-ups of final "Character Bust Arts" Done back as a Style Test.

Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen!
We are currently looking for an enthusiastic Programmer/Scripter and/or Game Designer looking for a project to do. Essentially, we want to produce a game that, although uses RPG Maker MV as an engine, shouldn’t feel so. There are a lot of other in-game factors we still are yet to decide.

This game is specifically going to be turn-based, dungeon, boss rush. We are very open to how you want this game to be in terms of design in direction as long as it works under the current narrative and visual direction we’ve provided. We won’t be using sprites/tilesets.
View attachment 4654
These are mock-up UI/Assets all put together as a "Style Test". These are all done in Photoshop.
Just to clarify- a “boss rush” is essentially a game that will focus more on combat mechanics rather than exploration and puzzles. We have a good reasoning for this- and we’ll explain why after some time. For now- we’re looking for a Programmer and/or Game Designer capable of filling one or either of roles.

We’ll be building this game from the ground up- from the GDD, to the Prototypes, and Alpha, Beta, and Release. So yes. You get to do some creative part. :)

Project Overview:
Project EDUN 2016: RPG is a limited-scope, sci-fi, fantasy “boss-rush” styled, turn-based RPG. The game’s focus will be using narrative as a “reward mechanic”. It aims to be a streamlined, “easy-to-grab-n-go” RPG game. The assets we’ll be delivering will entirely be based on what newer team members have to offer- so feel free time experiment within the constraints of our current Art Scope.​

Story Overview:
The story takes place in a fictional world called Edun. This world, inhabited by Humans- now known as the Nomads- are sandwiched in a war between two ancient races known as the Celestial and the Hellbourne. Some of the citizens of these three races refuse to take sides in this war- and some of us lead our own side to stop this war.​

As big as the story scope sounds- we've got that part covered. So don't worry about it.
View attachment 4651
These are Character Assets all put together as a "Style Test"- and not actual assets.
View attachment 4652
These are Enemy Assets all put together as a "Style Test"- and not actual assets.


Current Project Scope (In Art):
  • 1.5-2 hours of gameplay at most.

  • 1 Main Quest with a linear storyline. (Open for more- but only within scope)

  • 3 Playable Characters.

  • 2 Custom Environments “Tileset” (1 Town, 1 Dungeon )

  • 2-4 Custom Enemy Mobs, 3 Custom Enemy Bosses

  • 16 (or so) Custom Frames/Illustration for Storytelling/Cut Scenes.

  • Some other stuff such as Effects, UI, and so on are TBD on your Design.
Current Team Members:
  • Clint
    • Project Lead, Producer, Artist (Character, BG, UI, etc.) You can view my portfolio at
  • RJ
    • Story and Script Writer, QA/Tester. Ru has completed 3 novels, heaps of short stories, and has played more jRPGs than he could count.

Our Portfolio:

Positions Available:

Game Designer and/or Programmer (includes Event Scripting, etc.)

It would be cool if:

  • You play a lot of jRPGs- and want to step-up on the “interaction” part of it.

  • Enjoys creating “puzzles” of sorts within the limitations of an RPG game’s combat system. (Though- we are open to how you modify the existing system as well!)

  • Enjoys and respects working in a team! Communication is key- and you’ll be working with a writer and an artist- and possibly more.

  • Can work under soft “deadlines”. It’s a production- and we gotta keep things moving. We are open to keeping things on-going, but we don’t want this project to go above 4-6 months. (Hopefully to be shipped within the month of April 2017. We got some time till then.)

What we expecting to be collaborating on:
  • All aspects of pre-production. This includes Design Philosophies, GDDs, and Event/Story Planning. I’ll be organizing a lot of the upcoming meetings and production tasks to get this game done. Rest assured, It’s on my responsibility to keep the coders coding and the designers designing.
  • Have a call on Story and Art! Even though we’ve roughly laid out our Beginning, Middle, and End- Gameplay affects a huge factor of the overall “feel” of the game we produce. We’re giving you a voice in our team to make some calls if improves our final output overall.
  • Showing your work to the world. It’s been awhile since I personally have had the opportunity to ship a game- heck- I have minimal experience at it. We’re keeping an open mind on how and where we want to put our work out- and we’d want you to be there once we get some testers here and there so we can re-iterate on the game’s overall. It won’t be a <big> product- but we want it to be a well-polished one.
  • This is an unpaid opportunity. At the end of the project, we hope to have delivered a portfolio-level product that we are proud of and ready to present for better opportunities. As the team’s Project Lead and Artist, I see it as my responsibility that our game LOOKS cool enough for people to engage on. Now, it’s your responsibility to make sure people ENJOY the actual gameplay side of it.
  • I’ve had the opportunity to graduate in a school specializing in Game Development (Digipen, Singapore). My best friend works as a programmer in a Game Studio at the moment as well. Not a promise or anything- but I can assure you that when things get “rough”, I’ll have people to turn to for consultation (be it technical, scope, design, or whatever problems our team are bound to face.) It will be a learning experience.
  • There are no plans for monetization as the final product will only be a short playable. Where the game will be publicized is still to be discussed.
Software Requirements:

  • RPG Maker MV
  • Skype (It would be extra awesome if you have a mic, as well.)
  • Dropbox/Google Drive (for passing files)

Composer and anyone who can help with Post-Production

We are also looking for a Music Composer for the game- but this isn’t urgent at the moment. Still- message us if you’re interested! We’re trying to find a great mix between classic RPG strings and modern rave-like/dubsteppy stuff.

In addition to that, there are some “blind spots” in our time we are currently aware of. This includes community management, publicizing, and other post-production stuff. If you feel like you can help out with these parts of the production, we’re open to hear from you as well.

View attachment 4650
A sneak peak on our Playable Characters for the project.

Please shoot me an email at TheClintHennesy(at) gmail or PM me here.

Remember to introduce yourself, tell us how you want to contribute. Show some sample screenshots (maybe?) of past projects you’ve done! We’ll be conducting a short interview through Skype eventually if it gets there.

We’re really excited and enthusiastic to work with you guys and am looking forward to get this done!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day ahead.
I don't know if I am good enough, but... I can provide music.
I can't say I am experienced but I certainly have made some music.
I can also do arts but still particularly new at pixel arts, and still have a long way to go.
You can check out some of my resources and judge for yourself.

All I Wanna Say Is:


I don't know if I am good enough, but... I can provide music.
I can't say I am experienced but I certainly have made some music.
I can also do arts but still particularly new at pixel arts, and still have a long way to go.
You can check out some of my resources and judge for yourself.

All I Wanna Say Is:
I'm replying to your PM at the moment. :D