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Dreamstone Destiny


Title Screen.PNG
Join Rhaena as she travels the world of Elysia to find allies in her quest to defeat Lord Zafer.

Rhaena,a seemingly ordinary elf tasked to save the Prince and stop Lord Zafer

Prince Taemeron, abducted by Lord Zafer.

Caito, a thief from the mountain village of Sylvarspel.

Pandora, a priestess from the floating city of Aetheria.

Uma, a spellblade from the desert town, Tresed.

Zurina, a witch from the village of Brumwich.

Lord Zafer, the bad guy.

This is a game that I am converting from ACE to MV. I've only gotten a little bit done and have a very long way to go. This was my first game in ACE and I'm still learning. I've edited and resized some of the resources I used in ACE to make this game. I haven't gotten all of the credits given in game, yet as I am still working on getting things done.

You can download the zip file at: Destiny.rar?dl=0.

Here are a few screenshots of maps from the game.


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Towns Guard
Ah, I see you are having the same problem I've - your images not appearing in posts. Sadly, I've had a word with @Xyphien and he is not sure of the cause of said issue.

But enough of that, very good idea - converting from ACE to MV (if i understand correctly, tile sizes are different and things, so I bet you would have had to resize everything!) Good Luck with the contest by the way :)

This looks like its going to be quite an interesting project, I will look forward to seeing how/if it progresses


Ah, I see you are having the same problem I've - your images not appearing in posts. Sadly, I've had a word with @Xyphien and he is not sure of the cause of said issue.

But enough of that, very good idea - converting from ACE to MV (if i understand correctly, tile sizes are different and things, so I bet you would have had to resize everything!) Good Luck with the contest by the way :)

This looks like its going to be quite an interesting project, I will look forward to seeing how/if it progresses
MinisterJay helped me get the pics posted.
Yes, I did resize a lot of things, but not everything. I don't find it that hard to resize for MV, just takes a couple of minutes to resize in Photoshop.


Towns Guard
Glad you got it fixed (I spent ages trying stuff because the files wouldn't upload from my PC, eventually used my phone...)

And I guess resizing isn't too bad if everything doesn't get distorted or stretched. Anyhoo, I'll keep checking back here.


Towns Guard
The screenshots, the maps, are really great! I especially love the ones for Brumwich Marsh and Sylvarspel Pass. Really great work! they look detailed, yet simple, without being overwhelming, good job!


Redoing all of the icons for Dreamstone Destiny. I was wanting to incorporate some crafting and mining, but couldn't get it figured out in Ace, so I'm going to attempt it in MV. I'll also have some harvesting. I'll be posting some screenshots of some maps I'm adding to the game, a new city and a new place to explore.

I still have to re-balance the monsters and treasure chests, but things are rolling along at a good pace. Hopefully, this will be a game that will be enjoyable and interesting to play. I'll update more soon.
[doublepost=1495485632,1495299248][/doublepost]New Title Screen!!!!!! Let me know what you think. I had a lot of help from my oldest, who knows way more about Photoshop than I do.

Due to having lost all of my project files for this, I am putting this project on hold until I can find all of my resources (not sure if I will pick it back up or not).


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After completely forgetting that I saved most of my files to my drive, I found them the other day and will most likely be picking this back up and slowly working on it. I'm not sure how much I have gotten done and what files were actually saved. I might have to redo some of the resources in the game, but I'm going to try to get back on track with this.