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Don't know what I'm doing


Well what can i say, i just kinda bought RMMV and now im trying to make an RPG... I think...
But yeah as the Title sais, i have no idea what im doing :D so some help for a newbie would be much appreciated :3

That's the OW so far.



I think the most important is to have game idea, the whole story itself.
Then it goes easy because when you need something, you know what you are looking for exactelly :)
There are plenty of tutorials almost for everything.

Don´t be afraid, people here are very talented and helpfull, I started the same way you do :D
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Orange Jones

Towns Guard
Hi there, welcome to the forum! Your overworld's looking pretty sweet.

If you're not sure what to do (or what you CAN do), you might find this guide helpful. It's a step by step tutorial for making a fantasy rpg called the Ring of Udrai, and it's designed as a teaching tool for beginners, so as you make the game you learn what you can do and how to do it. I followed it when I was first starting out and it was the best tutorial I found for learning the programme.

It's written for RPG Maker VX Ace, the version before MV, so some stuff will be outdated or missing (for instance there are now two kinds of battles, side-on and front-on, whereas in VX there was only front-on unless you used plug-ins). But things like building maps, scripting events, scripting monsters/bosses and so on seems to be the same, so I think it'd still be helpful.

Good luck with your RPG :)


Good morning, @pfupftheman , and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. There's a head-start to be had if you'd care to cast a glance at our ...

MV Tutorials ...
Hey there :)
Ohh that does look helpfull indeed, thank you very much :3
I'll definitely have a look at it ^^

I think the most important is to have game idea, the whole story itself.
Then it goes easy because when you need something, you know what you are looking for exactelly :)
There are plenty of tutorials almost for everything.

Don´t be afraid, people here are very talented and helpfull, I started the same way you do :D
Hi ^^
Hmm yeah that makes sence, I do need to work on getting a good idea for the story and the world!
Thanks you very much :3
Hi there, welcome to the forum! Your overworld's looking pretty sweet.

If you're not sure what to do (or what you CAN do), you might find this guide helpful. It's a step by step tutorial for making a fantasy rpg called the Ring of Udrai, and it's designed as a teaching tool for beginners, so as you make the game you learn what you can do and how to do it. I followed it when I was first starting out and it was the best tutorial I found for learning the programme.

It's written for RPG Maker VX Ace, the version before MV, so some stuff will be outdated or missing (for instance there are now two kinds of battles, side-on and front-on, whereas in VX there was only front-on unless you used plug-ins). But things like building maps, scripting events, scripting monsters/bosses and so on seems to be the same, so I think it'd still be helpful.

Good luck with your RPG :)
Hey there, thank you for the welcoming reply :3

Im definitely gonna have a look at that, hopefully I can learn something from it too ^^
Thank you again :3


Praised Adventurer
There's plenty of inspiration to be found in the Sample Maps (Right-Click on the Map List on the left, and choose 'Load...'. Once you've had a look through those (some use the 'Loop' feature, which can be useful...), there is also 'Shift Mapping', which enables many effects and detail improvements. Patience, take your time; there's so much to learn, but it needs time to become really assimilated. There's no rush...


Looking at your map, I do not see anything wrong with it. :)
Hehe great! Thank you very much :D
There's plenty of inspiration to be found in the Sample Maps (Right-Click on the Map List on the left, and choose 'Load...'. Once you've had a look through those (some use the 'Loop' feature, which can be useful...), there is also 'Shift Mapping', which enables many effects and detail improvements. Patience, take your time; there's so much to learn, but it needs time to become really assimilated. There's no rush...
Ohh thats really good to know! Ill definitely have a look at those maps :3 thanks a lot!
Yeah true, I dont have to rush anything ^^