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Do You Have A Story Ready?

Hey gang, first real thread, and it might as well be about something story-related, huh?

With RPG Maker MV only eight days removed from the night of this post, I'm curious: do you have a story idea set? Are you transferring a game you're currently working on, are you in the middle of planning one now, or have you yet to start the production of your plot pieces? I'd love to hear where the community's at.

I'll start: I have a ~20hr-long game (side quests, etc. included) in the making, and the story is almost wrapped up. It's been an absolute joy brainstorming, and I feel I can breath a sigh of relief with the game maker coming out in a week!

EDIT: I know there are some brave souls already posting story details, but I'm also aware that there are others like myself not so ready to share the details. This is just to gauge where the community's at. You're not alone, wherever in the process you are!


Cyborg Kiwi
Yep, I sure do. Here are some spine-tingling backstory for my 2 (3, soon) main characters for my game with the help of @Sonicboy95 ;)
Rose Erasmus's Lore:
Everybody needs to die, the only qeustion is how and when. Rose has live her life by those words starting with
her own parents. Daddy was always nice when people were around but only i knew his true face. Daddy's litte girl
he said every night before he used me. Mother knew but did nothing, she too was guilty. There is no justice in
this world untill we bring it with our own hands. What is justice Rose thought. Is it something people do for you,
is it jail, or is it something more simple? Rose could never find an answer untill one day when she decided to
walk home a different way. She saw the most curious sight, a boy about her age in a suit with a knife in his hand
and a gun in the other. He was following someone and she couldn't resist the urge to follow. He was quit and quick
the man never knew what hit him. He shot him once in both legs, then he took his knife and stabbed the man in the chest,
and finally slit his thoart. the blood was everywhere and Rose wasn't disgusted or scared at all, in fact she was excited
about it her heart beating radiply. She wished she could stay and watch but she couldn't break her curfew otherwise
daddy would get violent. That night she was empowered by sight she witnessed earlier and it answered her question.
Justice wasn't some complicated thing no it was simple answer: death. Death is justice and everyone needed to be
brought to justice. The first was daddy rose thought. When he came home it was rather simple and easier than rose
first thought. She grabbed a knife and cut his neck so many times that his head came off. that was when mother came
home. Rose thought mother would be happy that she gave justice to daddy but she screamed and called rose a monster
instead. A monster rose thought, no she wasn't the monster she was the monster hunter. Mommy was a moster though letting
daddy do what he did. she needed justice as well and rose gave it. By the time rose was finish there was nothing but
blood and guts all over the place with her in the center of it. then a another man came, the same one she saw earlier.
With an interested look on his face he asked rose if she did this. Rose didn't see a reason to lie and lying would make
her a monster. he explained that he had come him to bring justice to daddy but rose already did that. The man asked if
rose wantd to join him, to bring justice to other people. she was more than happy too, after all there are alot more
monster to hunt. In time rose learned the man was called billy and he had been bring justice to many people. together
they made themselves well known in the world and rose was the happiest she had ever been and was in love.
Billy Hill's Lore
Billy Hill was once a kid who got bullied at school for being a 'Goody Two Shoes' and 'The Teacher's Pet', as every teacher adored him (*cough* cliche *cough*). He was also a person who liked odd things. Nothing to specify, but just odd things. On his birthday, his grandfather gave him a Swiss Knife. His grandfather said: "Use it whenever you feel it's needed, Billy," so that is when everything all started. One day, something terrible happened. When he was getting bullied, he got sick of it. Then, something horrible clicked in him. He snapped. He must quench it's urge to be done. He had to do it, but not where he was present. So later that day, when Billy was walking home from school, He saw a kid walk past him, of whom smiled at Billy politely, and Billy felt that now was the right time to quench his thirst. He took his grandfather's Swiss Knife out of his pocket, went for the kids poor old throat and called '911'. He told them that he found the body, already dead, obscured in some nearby bushes from where he was walking. He ran as fast as he could. Home. It felt good. Oh, it felt so good. Murder. Murder was a treat for Billy over the years. Oh, just hearing their begging and pleading not to die. 'Help,' and 'Please don't kill me,'. He was then contacted by a strange person. The strange person asked him 'Would you like to kill. Kill for money?'. At the word, money, Billy felt excited. Oh, it would be wonderful to do what he loved for money. 'Yes,' Billy replied, 'I would love to.'. From that day forth, Billy became The Hitman.
Do you like it? ;) @Sonicboy95 helped me with Rose's lore :) :P :D


Yep, I sure do. Here are some spine-tingling backstory for my 2 (3, soon) main characters for my game with the help of @Sonicboy95 ;)
Rose Erasmus's Lore:
Everybody needs to die, the only qeustion is how and when. Rose has live her life by those words starting with
her own parents. Daddy was always nice when people were around but only i knew his true face. Daddy's litte girl
he said every night before he used me. Mother knew but did nothing, she too was guilty. There is no justice in
this world untill we bring it with our own hands. What is justice Rose thought. Is it something people do for you,
is it jail, or is it something more simple? Rose could never find an answer untill one day when she decided to
walk home a different way. She saw the most curious sight, a boy about her age in a suit with a knife in his hand
and a gun in the other. He was following someone and she couldn't resist the urge to follow. He was quit and quick
the man never knew what hit him. He shot him once in both legs, then he took his knife and stabbed the man in the chest,
and finally slit his thoart. the blood was everywhere and Rose wasn't disgusted or scared at all, in fact she was excited
about it her heart beating radiply. She wished she could stay and watch but she couldn't break her curfew otherwise
daddy would get violent. That night she was empowered by sight she witnessed earlier and it answered her question.
Justice wasn't some complicated thing no it was simple answer: death. Death is justice and everyone needed to be
brought to justice. The first was daddy rose thought. When he came home it was rather simple and easier than rose
first thought. She grabbed a knife and cut his neck so many times that his head came off. that was when mother came
home. Rose thought mother would be happy that she gave justice to daddy but she screamed and called rose a monster
instead. A monster rose thought, no she wasn't the monster she was the monster hunter. Mommy was a moster though letting
daddy do what he did. she needed justice as well and rose gave it. By the time rose was finish there was nothing but
blood and guts all over the place with her in the center of it. then a another man came, the same one she saw earlier.
With an interested look on his face he asked rose if she did this. Rose didn't see a reason to lie and lying would make
her a monster. he explained that he had come him to bring justice to daddy but rose already did that. The man asked if
rose wantd to join him, to bring justice to other people. she was more than happy too, after all there are alot more
monster to hunt. In time rose learned the man was called billy and he had been bring justice to many people. together
they made themselves well known in the world and rose was the happiest she had ever been and was in love.
Billy Hill's Lore
Billy Hill was once a kid who got bullied at school for being a 'Goody Two Shoes' and 'The Teacher's Pet', as every teacher adored him (*cough* cliche *cough*). He was also a person who liked odd things. Nothing to specify, but just odd things. On his birthday, his grandfather gave him a Swiss Knife. His grandfather said: "Use it whenever you feel it's needed, Billy," so that is when everything all started. One day, something terrible happened. When he was getting bullied, he got sick of it. Then, something horrible clicked in him. He snapped. He must quench it's urge to be done. He had to do it, but not where he was present. So later that day, when Billy was walking home from school, He saw a kid walk past him, of whom smiled at Billy politely, and Billy felt that now was the right time to quench his thirst. He took his grandfather's Swiss Knife out of his pocket, went for the kids poor old throat and called '911'. He told them that he found the body, already dead, obscured in some nearby bushes from where he was walking. He ran as fast as he could. Home. It felt good. Oh, it felt so good. Murder. Murder was a treat for Billy over the years. Oh, just hearing their begging and pleading not to die. 'Help,' and 'Please don't kill me,'. He was then contacted by a strange person. The strange person asked him 'Would you like to kill. Kill for money?'. At the word, money, Billy felt excited. Oh, it would be wonderful to do what he loved for money. 'Yes,' Billy replied, 'I would love to.'. From that day forth, Billy became The Hitman.
Do you like it? ;) @Sonicboy95 helped me with Rose's lore :) :P :D
I can't wait for the details on your game. To be fair I'll share mine.
On paper/notpad I have the story almost done for my next game for Mv and its a sequel to Reaper That follows the evil ending.
Before you ask yes there will be a sequel following the good ending as well.

Tu Chau

Here's the story, not finished yet though (still waiting for the community)
There once was a person...
...walking around searching for persons...
...To fulfil the need... find out where they live...
...but little did the person know...
...He still had some virgin oil...
...That wouldn't stop him, though-- for he...
...was not...
...entirely sure where to find...
...any thoughts in his mind...
... But he pressed on
... and on and on until
he came across a village.
...and he went into...
... an inn. He walked
...All the way to...
... the counter and demanded
... a room for a night
The innkeeper looked at him suspiciously because...
..he was carrying a ton of items stolen from...
... the local item shop...
...So he unsheathed his sword
... The Inn keeper ran away
... He walked behind the counter...
...and stole all the currency
to keep for himself while
The inn keeper came back with...
an army of five soldiers...
... One of soldiers said ...
Prepare To Die ...
He drew his sword...
...Then stabbed him in the knee...
while chanting via revolution and
... smiling like a mad man.
then, they asked reinforcement.
Then the mongoose army arrived....
Seeing this, the thief fled to...
... the secret underground hair salon...
... He was able to find it because...
there was a big shiny sign pointing at the entrance
that said do not enter
... But he had no choice and walked in
then, a wild dog emmerged...
...It was just a hot dog.
so he touched it
and it was indeed hot

XD Just kidding. I actually prepared a mini-story for a mobile game for my nephews as I promised when the software is released. For big projects, not at present.


Cyborg Kiwi
Here's the story, not finished yet though (still waiting for the community)
There once was a person...
...walking around searching for persons...
...To fulfil the need... find out where they live...
...but little did the person know...
...He still had some virgin oil...
...That wouldn't stop him, though-- for he...
...was not...
...entirely sure where to find...
...any thoughts in his mind...
... But he pressed on
... and on and on until
he came across a village.
...and he went into...
... an inn. He walked
...All the way to...
... the counter and demanded
... a room for a night
The innkeeper looked at him suspiciously because...
..he was carrying a ton of items stolen from...
... the local item shop...
...So he unsheathed his sword
... The Inn keeper ran away
... He walked behind the counter...
...and stole all the currency
to keep for himself while
The inn keeper came back with...
an army of five soldiers...
... One of soldiers said ...
Prepare To Die ...
He drew his sword...
...Then stabbed him in the knee...
while chanting via revolution and
... smiling like a mad man.
then, they asked reinforcement.
Then the mongoose army arrived....
Seeing this, the thief fled to...
... the secret underground hair salon...
... He was able to find it because...
there was a big shiny sign pointing at the entrance
that said do not enter
... But he had no choice and walked in
then, a wild dog emmerged...
...It was just a hot dog.
so he touched it
and it was indeed hot

XD Just kidding. I actually prepared a mini-story for a mobile game for my nephews as I promised when the software is released. For big projects, not at present.
Haha! My continue the sentence thread! Thank you! haha! :P

Bizarre Monkey


Two of them sensational epics that I've attempted/am attempting in older makers.

One a community game focusing unbiasedly on the fictional war between the CCC and those dastardly degica devils!

Actually, it's gonna be fun in a way painting me as the real sort of overzealous anti-corp and my collective just sort of tagging along while questioning my moral ambiguity, while Degica are more or less the good guys who have to fight us now and then because I leave them no choice.

Maybe at the end I'll be redeemed, so that should be an interesting twist.

I've come to realize my feud with them and the continued harassment is probably entirely my fault, so I'm going to make a game that paints that. It's gonna be very saturday-morning cartoon like. I'll be that self-absorbed villain who is actually kind of goofy in my attempts to be scary.

It'll likely be me, Xiie, Pjcr, Usagi and Xzygon. God I can't wait...

And yes, I'll be using the portraits from TBBGE.


My problem is that I have about 200 stories that still have yet to be compiled into one comprehensive novel. Madness? This is Sparta.


Since the news about the release of MV, I've started to review a previous plot I had. It will be almost done until october 23.


All I've been able to accomplish in the past 2 weeks is writing new story concepts...and re-writing them...and baking muffins. That last one isn't related to MV, but I like muffins.

I need MV. Like, now.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
My problem is, I story write inside my mind X3 and I have a horrible time getting it onto paper or even typed up ughh. I promise that will change one day. I do have one story half typed up but Im kinda drawing a blank now and have been doing other things that are keeping me distracted ( like this community lol ) not to mention I am terrible with grammar. I will someday be good though I promise for now though meh oh well.


My problem is, I story write inside my mind X3 and I have a horrible time getting it onto paper or even typed up ughh. I promise that will change one day. I do have one story half typed up but Im kinda drawing a blank now and have been doing other things that are keeping me distracted ( like this community lol ) not to mention I am terrible with grammar. I will someday be good though I promise for now though meh oh well.
I haven't noticed so much trouble with grammar in Subject Zero.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I haven't noticed so much trouble with grammar in Subject Zero.
Well the grammar guys noticed it lol, it's not the worst, and I have Microsoft Word to help with some of it and I have an idea of most grammer but it's sketchy in some areas.

David FoxFire

I already have a "Learner" project in the works: It's based on the first D&D campaign I DMed, Murder in Baldur's Gate, but I'm heavily embellishing it and making it into a CSI type adventure.


Yep, I have an unfinished game from Ace that I'm pretty much planning on re-writing from "scratch" in MV, (the single only game I ever made in Ace), which is mostly a bunch of "events to see how This Thing might be Done" without a story to tie it together. Now I have a vague outline to tie it together. :D

Cloud Knight

Praised Adventurer
i'm thinking of a horror type game, then release it on Halloween night!
may even name it

Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere. Inspired by @Trumully

on a serious note, i have a few concepts. although the real problem i have is (game developer adhd) meaning i can work on one game for hours on end, then get side tracked make a new project and work on that. then i bounce around on both or maybe even conjure up a third! it's ridiculous maybe i need to release a smaller game like 5 hours long then the adverage. 20 hour + over 200 items, weapons, armors, encasing story line filled with plot twists. with voice acting that's power level is over 16,000. housing system, farming, computer age digital fights that feature over 900 different skills. embrace the unknown adventure. cya on the other side.

type of games.


Towns Guard
I have had something tumbling around in my head since I learned of MV's mobile export capabilities. Aside from my two other projects this new concept is something that I really do think could be a quick and HUGE money-maker. I'll be looking for a team to go at this project in a few weeks after MV has reached its core audience!

Basically, if you can "art" in a cartoony/anime'ish fashion you should PM me sometime and we'll see what can be done. Something like these...


Cloud Knight

Praised Adventurer
I have had something tumbling around in my head since I learned of MV's mobile export capabilities. Aside from my two other projects this new concept is something that I really do think could be a quick and HUGE money-maker. I'll be looking for a team to go at this project in a few weeks after MV has reached its core audience!

Basically, if you can "art" in a cartoony/anime'ish fashion you should PM me sometime and we'll see what can be done. Something like these...

ah the ol' battle of the gnomes eh ?


Towns Guard
My problem is, I story write inside my mind X3 and I have a horrible time getting it onto paper or even typed up ughh.
I have the exact same problem. I have a novel that I've been "working on" for about two or three years now, and though I have almost the entire thing figured out, I haven't actually written word one yet.

In response to the topic question, I have a very loose idea for a story right now. What I've mainly been focusing on is world-building. So far I've figured out for my world...

The six major countries and their individual societies
The political relationships between these six countries for the last 100 years
Roughly 1,000 years of major historical events
All the supernatural forces at work in the world
All the major figures and rulers in the world

And lots of general stuff like that. As far as what I HAVEN'T got figured out?...

Names for any of it...
Yep, I sure do. Here are some spine-tingling backstory for my 2 (3, soon) main characters for my game with the help of @Sonicboy95 ;)
Rose Erasmus's Lore:
Billy Hill's Lore
Do you like it? ;) @Sonicboy95 helped me with Rose's lore :) :P :D
Definitely different! I can't say I'm very good with darker stories, but that's not to say it won't be awesome. On the contrary, I expect to see some new, interesting things come from your planning!

My problem is that I have about 200 stories that still have yet to be compiled into one comprehensive novel. Madness? This is Sparta.
Now's the best time to get started on that! Don't delay!

All I've been able to accomplish in the past 2 weeks is writing new story concepts...and re-writing them...and baking muffins. That last one isn't related to MV, but I like muffins.

I need MV. Like, now.
Nothing wrong with working and re-working! You still have a week until MV comes out. :D

My problem is, I story write inside my mind X3 and I have a horrible time getting it onto paper or even typed up ughh. I promise that will change one day. I do have one story half typed up but Im kinda drawing a blank now and have been doing other things that are keeping me distracted ( like this community lol ) not to mention I am terrible with grammar. I will someday be good though I promise for now though meh oh well.
Grammar and polish is the harrowing hangover to your party-like story planning, man! Just write out however it works best for you, and don't worry about the details. Whether you have to type it out in a timeline or ordered paragraphs or scattered ideas or hand-written bubbles, do something! Turning thoughts into written words is a huge step in development. You. Can. Do. It!

i'm thinking of a horror type game, then release it on Halloween night!
may even name it

Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere. Inspired by @Trumully

on a serious note, i have a few concepts. although the real problem i have is (game developer adhd) meaning i can work on one game for hours on end, then get side tracked make a new project and work on that. then i bounce around on both or maybe even conjure up a third! it's ridiculous maybe i need to release a smaller game like 5 hours long then the adverage. 20 hour + over 200 items, weapons, armors, encasing story line filled with plot twists. with voice acting that's power level is over 16,000. housing system, farming, computer age digital fights that feature over 900 different skills. embrace the unknown adventure. cya on the other side.

type of games.
Starting small is always a smart choice; if you want to combat getting side tracked, make a rough schedule you'd like to adhere to and get someone to hold you accountable. Not a fun word or thought, but it'll keep you on track!

I have the exact same problem. I have a novel that I've been "working on" for about two or three years now, and though I have almost the entire thing figured out, I haven't actually written word one yet.

In response to the topic question, I have a very loose idea for a story right now. What I've mainly been focusing on is world-building. So far I've figured out for my world...

The six major countries and their individual societies
The political relationships between these six countries for the last 100 years
Roughly 1,000 years of major historical events
All the supernatural forces at work in the world
All the major figures and rulers in the world

And lots of general stuff like that. As far as what I HAVEN'T got figured out?...

Names for any of it...
You're on the right track, keep it up! Don't worry about names. Not at all key, and probably one of the (oddly) hardest parts of conceptualization.[/spoiler][/spoiler]