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Do Some Forum Sections Not Count Towards the Discussions Count?

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Staff member
I noticed that when creating a new thread in the Forum Games that the site's discussion count did not increase. Is this due to that only certain forums are actually put towards the official count?

We are so close to 1,000. It was 998 before and after I posted a new game thread.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Posts and discussions in the "Forum Games" section do not count toward the forum totals and the personal totals, as far as I know. I'd have a lot more posts if they did. XD


Local Hero
It is common practice, if you have a spam-able thread it does not generate "rating" or whatever you call it ;)
[doublepost=1448582390,1448582350][/doublepost]Also that is why normally double posts are no-go, but here they get joined together! Awesome!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Also that is why normally double posts are no-go, but here they get joined together! Awesome!
It can still be abused, mainly for bumping purposes, which is against the rules. The majority of people here are just adding to their last post from no more than 5minutes ago and although editing the post is easy, it's just something about the reply box being already there and ready for input lol. Not sure how all this will work out in the future but we shall see.
I noticed that when creating a new thread in the Forum Games that the site's discussion count did not increase. Is this due to that only certain forums are actually put towards the official count?
Yea, I'm pretty sure forum games don't count towards it, it's one of those categories where the forum turns into a chatroom lol. @Xyphien will be on soon and come in here with his magical forum intelligence and explain to you the situation. It's true, he does this kind of thing, causes server outages and everything.


Staff member
Resource Team
It is common practice, if you have a spam-able thread it does not generate "rating" or whatever you call it ;)
[doublepost=1448582390,1448582350][/doublepost]Also that is why normally double posts are no-go, but here they get joined together! Awesome!
This was spot on as well as @LTN Games (Congratulations on Lvl 10 btw)

The reason it isn't displayed under your post count, or the forums post count is it's a spam related topic, the only spam we allow on the site. It's a place to post non stop, multiple posts in a row occasionally, etc. We do not want users to be rewarded with post related, or like related medals, and EXP towards your level for spamming posts in the forum games section. The games section does not do anything to contribute to the overall wellness, and structure of the site, so it shouldn't really count with post counts. We want actual conversations, that will both help you with RM related content, or get to know one another in the off topic discussion sections. However, for the most part, forum games does not do this.

Thank you for taking the time to voice your opinion on the site, it is always nice to have members take the time out to voice their concerns, and opinions on the site. Every question, suggestion, and statement helps us grow as a whole, and become a better place overall. Thank you once again, and I hope I helped to answer your question.


Staff member
@Xyphien Thanks a bunch. I was watching the site's discussions total, as were nearing 1,000 discussions, and noticed the number was not increasing as new threads were being added in certain forums. I agree with the reasoning, as for when one day critics may look at RMMV Forums site and do a count of all discussions. If they find that most of the site's discussions content count was from non-RMMV related threads, that could decrease the value they assign us. Again thanks for satisfying my curiosity.
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