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Dialog while event is moving but waiting till finished to start new dialog

Neil London

I hope this is in the right place

I'm trying to start an event movement with dialog while it is moving, BUT I don't want the next dialog to start until the movement is completed and the event start moving again.

From what I understand, you either have the event moving with no dialog until they stop or you risk Move Routes conflicting with each other.

Does this make sense?
Here is an example of what I have which ALMOST works.

◆Set Movement Route:Anna
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Down
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Left
:Set Movement Route:◇Turn Down
◆Text:SF_Actor1(3), Window, Bottom
:Text:As you know, Avelanche has been exposing
:Text:our company's, not so ethical, practices. \n<Anna> \auto
◆Text:SF_Actor1(3), Window, Bottom
:Text:As a result we have lost a significant
:Text:amount of the public's support. \n<Anna> \auto
◆Set Movement Route:Anna (Wait)
◆Set Movement Route:Anna (Wait)
:Set Movement Route:◇Turn Down
:Set Movement Route:◇Wait:60 frames
◆Set Movement Route:Anna
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Right
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Right
◆Text:SF_Actor1(3), Window, Bottom
:Text:Without the public's trust we risk losing
:Text:everything we've all worked so very hard to
:Text:achieve. \n<Anna> \auto
◆Set Movement Route:Anna (Wait)
◆Set Movement Route:Anna (Wait)
:Set Movement Route:◇Turn Down
:Set Movement Route:◇Wait:30 frames

The idea is if someone is trying to power through the dialog I want the events to go where I want them and not have conflicting move routes so the event is in the wrong place.

Here is what I want as a break down:

◆Set Movement Route:Anna
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Down
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Left
:Set Movement Route:◇Turn Down
◆Text:SF_Actor1(3), Window, Bottom
:Text:As you know, Avelanche has been exposing
:Text:our company's, not so ethical, practices. \n<Anna> \auto
◆Text:SF_Actor1(3), Window, Bottom
:Text:As a result we have lost a significant
:Text:amount of the public's support. \n<Anna> \auto
◆Set Movement Route:Anna (Wait)
◆Set Movement Route:Anna (Wait)
:Set Movement Route:◇Turn Down
:Set Movement Route:◇Wait:60 frames

Anna moves while saying these 2 lines and even if the player skips them she completes her move route and turns down. This works somewhat.

◆Set Movement Route:Anna
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Right
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Right
◆Text:SF_Actor1(3), Window, Bottom
:Text:Without the public's trust we risk losing
:Text:everything we've all worked so very hard to
:Text:achieve. \n<Anna> \auto
◆Set Movement Route:Anna (Wait)
◆Set Movement Route:Anna (Wait)
:Set Movement Route:◇Turn Down
:Set Movement Route:◇Wait:30 frames

After she finishes turning down EVEN if the player skipped her dialog she then moves and starts this line of dialog. But if I skip to quickly she'll start this move route before she finished the first one.

I've tried getting rid of the "Turn Down, Wait "x" Frames" but that hasn't worked either.

Let me know if it doesn't make sense.

