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D'Art Title Screen and Logo Shop

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Above samples are made using MV's RTP. I will upload more samples later.

Commercial and Non-Commercial Games
Basic Title
No BG, Logo Only - $10

Advance Title Package
With Custom BG - Price starts at $30
With Characters - Price starts at $20

Title: Title of your game.
Size: Actual Size of your Titlescreen.
Fonts: Fonts you want me to use. You can go to this link to find free commercial use fonts
Plugins/Scripts: Please kindly put a link if your using an animated title screen.
Background: Supplied or Custom and other details if any.
  • Supplied - If you already have a background that you want me to use.
  • Custom - If you want me to create custom background for you.
Details: Describe what you want as much as possible including the menu style, cursor, commands etc.

Terms of Use (Request)
For non-commercial games only
For RPG Maker Series Use only
I am not responsible for any conflict you made for using "illegal" or "not licensed" images,fonts
Give proper visible credit to Dainiri or Dainiri.Art

Terms of Use (Commission)
For commercial or non-commercial games
For RPG Maker Series Use only
If used in a commercial project

  • You must have/own a license/permission to use of any font used in your Titlescreen.
  • You must have/own a license/permission to use of any image used in your Titlescreen.
I am not responsible for any conflict you made for using "illegal" or "not licensed" images,fonts
Give proper visible credit to Dainiri or Dainiri.Art

I have the right to turn down any request or commission
Commissions will be my priority over requests
Time of completion will depend on my load and schedule, but commission will take 4 hours to 3 days.
Please kindly give feedback when your request or commission is done, thank you!
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Nice samples, but on the first two the text really doesn't stand out against the backgrounds.

For the first one it looks like the either the text needs to have a bit more contrast, or the background needs to be a bit lighter for everything to stand out. Also I think some of the text's outline was cut out or blended strangely (dark in some areas, grey in others)? In the second one, the text blends into the background a bit much, and the bright areas make it harder to read. The third sample is really nice, though. Very clean.

You have good prices and quality of work, though - I'll be sure and consider you when I need a title screen. :)


Nice samples, but on the first two the text really doesn't stand out against the backgrounds.

For the first one it looks like the either the text needs to have a bit more contrast, or the background needs to be a bit lighter for everything to stand out. Also I think some of the text's outline was cut out or blended strangely (dark in some areas, grey in others)? In the second one, the text blends into the background a bit much, and the bright areas make it harder to read. The third sample is really nice, though. Very clean.

You have good prices and quality of work, though - I'll be sure and consider you when I need a title screen. :)
The first one was made without the BG xD it was placed after I made the title, and about outlines, I did that on purpose to create a metal looking effect but I guess it did not turn out well?
The second one was a trial and just like the 1st sample it was made separately with the BG xD
Thank you for the nice Tips I will apply it next time.
Looking forward to it :)
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