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Creating seamless audio loop with RMMV Tune


When we play our favorite RPG game, we can hear BGM being played repeatedly seamlessly. Without the fade-in and fade-out as when played in our MP3 player software.

I remembered playing Dragon Quest 6 back than in SNES and the battle BGM can be described like this:

In fact, almost all RPG BGM following that loop pattern.

we don’t want our RPG Maker MV game left far behind with these games created more than 20 years ago in terms of handling BGM audio… don’t we?

We want our BGM track to function exactly as a BGM audio, not just a "music played in audio player while we play the game".

We don’t want those irking fade out-fade in-start from begining in our battle bgm.

Do we have solution?

Yes we do.

Himework’s “Easy Audio Looping” plugin can do the job.

Read more about this cool plugin on Himeworks site:

And I created a tool to help us create audio loop easier than ever.

Meet RMMV Tune

This tool will help you create required audio profile data for Himeworks “Easy Audio Looping”.

With built in audio waveform you don’t need any external audio editor to work with your RPG Maker MV project again.

Just a few click and drag, you can create an audio loop - preview it- and generate RPG Maker MV plugin command to activate the loop profile.

Term of use
This software is free for all RPG Maker MV Project. If you like to, please credits Dreamsavior.

RMMV Tune is part of RMMV Toybox.

RMMV Toybox is collection of tools to help us develop RMMV Game easier.

Other tools available on this package are :

  • RMMV Roulette (Parameter & event randomizer for your raising simulation & love sims game?)

  • RMMV Editor (quick JSON tree editor for your data folder)

  • RMMV Save editor

  • RMMV Scrubber (scrub your project from unused resource)

Download link available for free on my patreon page:

Please support me by telling me what do you think about this tools, give me feedback, suggestion, comment or anything constructive.

Thank you.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Okay, as an audio creator I'm incredibly intrigued right now because normally, I provide already looping .ogg files. And I make those seamless loops by exporting the song from my DAW as a .wav and then do the editing in Audacity down to the sample and add the loop info in the file data (LOOPSTART "sample number" and LOOPLENGTH "sample number").
So if I understand this right, your editor and the plugin essentially just do the same thing? If so, that's incredibly convenient for people who don't know a lot about audio editing. I'm probably not gonna tell my clients to figure out the looping themselves though, but I'll keep this in mind to at least recommend. ^-^


To be honest, I have never tried to create audio loops using meta data in OGG files. But this seems to be the same thing.

You might like to check the demo of Easy audio looping plugin in action on Himeworks page. She made a video of it :

But one thing for sure, this tool can create a loops from any audio files supported by RPG Maker MV ... and that's my friend ... IS convenient!


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
To be honest, I have never tried to create audio loops using meta data in OGG files. But this seems to be the same thing.

You might like to check the demo of Easy audio looping plugin in action on Himeworks page. She made a video of it :

But one thing for sure, this tool can create a loops from any audio files supported by RPG Maker MV ... and that's my friend ... IS convenient!
Considering how RM works I wouldn't be surprised if it actually was the same thing. The meta data method is just what I learned back when I started using VX and it kinda stuck. I actually made loops before even composing myself. It's just nice to see that what I'm doing can be achieved with simple methods inside the engine like this~
Convenience for the win!


I made a quick video tutorial on how to use RMMV Tune.

Video tutorial, creating audio loop using RMMV Tune

(Sorry can't edit my first post, because somehow the system detected my post as spam)
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Greetings fellow makers,

Just wanted to give a short report, that yesterday I made a new feature on RMMV Tune.

I made it possible for certain audio profiles to be initialized right on the boot screen without being called through the command plugin first. This feature allows us to create an audio loop at the very beginning of the start screen such as title screen.

This feature can be found on RMMV Toybox version 1.1.29 or greater.

Download latest version of RMMV Toybox for free, here: