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Creating multi-level structures?

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Mr. Open

Hello again! (blush) It's me with yet another problem I can't solve by myself...
So, I was looking at one of the loaded maps (specifically a castle one, I'll include it as a file) and can't find a way to recreate a similar thing. This building clearly has levels, it has additional entrances on the next floor, it has additional stairs etc.
Thing is when I try to do it I can put walls from tileset A, but can't do the same with roof-like tiles. Is it even possible to recreate something similar? (aww)

The first image is the default loaded map with some additional edits.
The second one is me, trying to create a "second floor", I selected areas where I was trying to add that roof tile, but couldn't (seems like the engine can't put one roof on another one? idk)
Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at 01.06.44.png
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Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
I attempted to recreate the castle using sand. (...sand castle lol)
Does this look close?

There's a lot of shift-click mapping going on there.(cool)

Also you can right click/drag around a group of tiles then shift left click to place them exactly as they were selected without triggering the auto tile.

Hope that helps. Please let me know if this helps. (cool)
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Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
I attempted to recreate the castle using sand. (...sand castle lol)
Does this look close?

There's a lot of shift-click mapping going on there.(cool)

Also you can right click/drag around a group of tiles then shift left click to place them exactly as they were selected without triggering the auto tile.

Hope that helps. Please let me know if this helps. (cool)

you beat me to it! the secret is shift-click


Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
Yup, shift click mapping has helped me make some incredible maps.
No worries, glad to here you got your PC repaired. (cool)(thumbsup)
Happy to help. (cute)

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