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Could use some criticism on a soundtrack

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    Votes: 7 100.0%
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Towns Guard
Right, so as the title suggests I made a soundtrack, and this is pretty much the very first soundtrack I've ever really made in FL Studio, (or at least the first one that I published, I do have another one but that one is alright).

So all in all I am pretty proud of the result, but I'm kind of curious to think what others will think of it, especially since I'm kind of rough with this and I'm always wondering whether the soundtrack will fit into a video game.

In this case it's a battle theme.

Like I said, I would love some criticism or anything like that on here.
(If the track suddenly ends, it's because I use a .ogg file for in the game, it's a good loop in-game.)



Praised Adventurer
@Skyrocker ...

Nothing to be embarrassed about; that's good stuff for the genre, more especially for a first go. It would certainly fit in very well as a Battle theme for many Games. My only reticence would be the intensity, if there are battles occurring often; it could become wearing. For my part, I took the option of having several Battle themes, with a common base to them, but triggered randomly, this to avoid having always the same throughout the Game.
Other than that, I can only offer congratulations, and look forward to hearing more. Well done.


Right, so as the title suggests I made a soundtrack, and this is pretty much the very first soundtrack I've ever really made in FL Studio, (or at least the first one that I published, I do have another one but that one is alright).

So all in all I am pretty proud of the result, but I'm kind of curious to think what others will think of it, especially since I'm kind of rough with this and I'm always wondering whether the soundtrack will fit into a video game.

In this case it's a battle theme.

Like I said, I would love some criticism or anything like that on here.
(If the track suddenly ends, it's because I use a .ogg file for in the game, it's a good loop in-game.)

This is actually pretty neat!


Lord of Memes
This is some pretty groovy stuff! It would feel good as a battle theme to a first dungeon, or possibly a fight with a semi-comedic character


Towns Guard
This is some pretty groovy stuff! It would feel good as a battle theme to a first dungeon, or possibly a fight with a semi-comedic character
And that's exactly what it's going to be, or at least for the boss in the first dungeon.

@Skyrocker ...
My only reticence would be the intensity, if there are battles occurring often; it could become wearing. For my part, I took the option of having several Battle themes, with a common base to them, but triggered randomly, this to avoid having always the same throughout the Game.
Other than that, I can only offer congratulations, and look forward to hearing more. Well done.
Like I said, this particular song would focus on one of the bosses I'm working on.

All in all thanks for the criticism and the compliments guys :D
[doublepost=1472754222,1472709463][/doublepost]Right, so here is a second song. I personally don't know what to think of this since I'm not exactly proud of this one. (The melody is nice but I can't seem to find a good replacement for the high pitched noise.)

Thought it'd be a waste of time and effort to delete this song so I might as well post it here and ask for any opinions.

Save me from the nothing I've become.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
It's a good attempt imo, but I will agree with others that the track could become weary, or the player gets tired of it very quickly if it were to be a constant battle soundtrack. Although, I find it to be a good track for boss, or unique monster encounters. I will give you props regarding the first soundtrack because it got me nodding my head along with it. It got me into a hype.

The second could actually be really great too. And by pitch, if you mean the first sound that it begins playing with? Then I agree. That pitch is annoying, and pissing me off. And I will forever curse the word that I just forgot. I mean, the soundtrack is great af, but that pitch noise I keep hearing all the time is really ruining it.

At 37-40 seconds I really began to like it and it keeps on getting better. I like how it continues from 1:15 too.


Global Moderator
The first one, for a boss battle, definitely seems fitting. I like that the intensity changes slightly towards the end of the loop by taking out the drums, but at the same time, it kind of threw me off at the start. I really like it otherwise, though. The electronica vibe I get from it is really enjoyable.

The second one is actually quite nice to me- I found the high pitch kind of nice. On the one hand I hate that part because I have issues with certain pitches- but I didn't seem to be bothered by it as much, and found it actually kind of fits with the rest to me. I think that soundtrack would be great for some sort of mild dungeon. Like an old church tower or something. So gentle, yet kind of spooky I wanna say? Describing it is hard. It's just got this...aura of foreshadowing, yet soothing.


Towns Guard
hmm regarding the second one; maybe you should replace that opening synth with a piano played in octaves - I feel like the melody line you've gone with is quite emotional and the piano is a great instrument for invoking feelings in the listener.
I also believe that the overall mix is a bit too crowded - essentially I feel you have too many instruments in the audio space which can be solved by either thinning out the texture by getting rid of an instrument OR just panning maybe one instrument to the left side and one to the right.

I think the melody overall sounds really nice and I love when the drums come in you really get the sense that this 'hero' has had a sad past but
things are looking ok for the future :)


The first one is nice and upbeat and it's defiantly has a nice ring to it.
I think it's a great tune for some special boss fights or upbeat rescue scene.
Personally I would enjoy a track like this in game.

Edit: Actually might be a nice track ,if your party is getting a surprise attack from the back.
One thing I ask myself with battle themes.
'How would I feel after listening to it for about 30-60minutes'.
I'm leaning towards don't use it all the time, it's a bit too fast and upbeat.

As for further feedback at every 2.5 seconds you repeat the drum track.
You could consider putting in 4 quick louder hi hat hits every 10 seconds (edit make that 5 seconds)
At the 20 second mark you could consider a low drum like hit.
This adds variation yet keeps the beat and track still dominate.
Last edited:


It sounds great! Would never have thought of it as a first attempt if you hadn't say.

The first half does sound like a battle theme. 20 seconds into the music, it started to seem more fitting for an intense, and as others have mentioned, slightly comedic, race/chase scene.