So today on Cooking with Alcha I decided to make the awesome yet simple spread potion! What this does it takes two ordinary potions and turns them into one awesome spread potion usuable by the whole party!
Now when making it be sure to stir at exactly 250 miles an hour while singing the teapot song! Then once you've gotten it nice and stirred, you simmer it over a pool of lava while bateling the nerklings who are trying to get the potion for themselves! BACK NERKLINGS BACK!
Next you add in a few herbs, a pinch of gunpowder and BAM!! Ya got yourself a spread potion! Or something that will blow up in your mouth, that's half the excitement!
Now when making it be sure to stir at exactly 250 miles an hour while singing the teapot song! Then once you've gotten it nice and stirred, you simmer it over a pool of lava while bateling the nerklings who are trying to get the potion for themselves! BACK NERKLINGS BACK!
Next you add in a few herbs, a pinch of gunpowder and BAM!! Ya got yourself a spread potion! Or something that will blow up in your mouth, that's half the excitement!