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Cooking with Alcha ( Post your requested dish) Maybe it won't blow up!

Alcha Emy

Towns Guard
So today on Cooking with Alcha I decided to make the awesome yet simple spread potion! What this does it takes two ordinary potions and turns them into one awesome spread potion usuable by the whole party!

Now when making it be sure to stir at exactly 250 miles an hour while singing the teapot song! Then once you've gotten it nice and stirred, you simmer it over a pool of lava while bateling the nerklings who are trying to get the potion for themselves! BACK NERKLINGS BACK!

Next you add in a few herbs, a pinch of gunpowder and BAM!! Ya got yourself a spread potion! Or something that will blow up in your mouth, that's half the excitement!


Praised Adventurer
This sounds too dangerous for me. As a Tiefling I only have fire resist 5, which is much too low for that much lava exposure.


Dragon Goddess
Interesting, you mortals have strange ideas for foods...

On my home planet of Karzelon, our primary source of food is a delicious fruit called the Marlyp--it is a miraculous food that even the gods covet. I humbly request a dish made of your finest fruits; I have had little time to indulge in the delicacies of your world.

Alcha Emy

Towns Guard
Interesting, you mortals have strange ideas for foods...

On my home planet of Karzelon, our primary source of food is a delicious fruit called the Marlyp--it is a miraculous food that even the gods covet. I humbly request a dish made of your finest fruits; I have had little time to indulge in the delicacies of your world.
You got it Micry!
Today on cooking with Alcha we will be making my ABSOLOUTE favorite Grape Gelomei! Gelomi?'s awesome!
Firest you need about 8 wholr grape vines worth a grapes and then you mash em up in a bowl! Mix in a little bit of sugar, about 3 cups auta do it!
In a different bowl ya pour in a jel mix and water and swirl it all up! Color can be whatevs ya want but were going purpal cause purple is awesome! Then ya throw in the grape mix as well as some Grapa berries, TP fuit and gunpowder for a little kick! Mix thouroughly for about 5 mins then slap that bad boy in the fridge or in you old timy folks case your magic ice container! Let it sit for6 to 8 hours and BAM! Ya got yourself some fiiiine furty goodness!