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Common Event Logger 1.2

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Mr. Trivel

Praised Adventurer
Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource:

Common Event Finder - Common event executed and you have no idea where? Now you'll know.

Name: Common Event Finder
Version: 1.0
Author: Mr. Trivel
Created: 2016-02-12

What does it do?
Prints all executing common events to console.



How to download Plugin. Click the link above, there will be a button named Raw, press Right Click -> Save As.


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Thank you for this. I really needed the code, I've modified it a bit to suit my needs.
If you don't mind I'd like to share the code I've modified a bit.

This code will also store last calling event ID & Item ID to game variables set in the plugin manager:
// MrTS_CommonEventDebug.js

* @plugindesc Logs all executing common events to console.
* Add-on: Store last calling event ID & Item ID to game variables
* @author Mr. Trivel (add-on by CT_Bolt)
* @param On
* @desc Default: true
* @default true
* @param Game Variable ID (Event ID)
* @desc Set Game Variable ID to hold calling Event ID
* (Note: If set to 0 this will not do anything)
* @default 0
* @param Game Variable ID (Item ID)
* @desc Set Game Variable ID to hold calling Item ID
* (Note: If set to 0 this will not do anything)
* @default 0
* @help
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Free for commercial and non-commercial use.
* Version 1.0
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Open console by pressing F8.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Version History
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1.0 - Release
*    ---Add-On (Store last calling Event ID & Item ID to Game Variables)

(function() {
    var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('MrTS_CommonEventDebug');
    var paramOn = Boolean((parameters['On'] || "true").toLowerCase() === "true");
        var gameVarID = Number(parameters['Game Variable ID (Event ID)']);
        var gameVar2ID = Number(parameters['Game Variable ID (Item ID)']);

    var _GameInterpreter_setupChild = Game_Interpreter.prototype.setupChild;
    Game_Interpreter.prototype.setupChild = function(list, eventId) {, list, eventId);
        if (paramOn){
              console.log((eventId === 0 ? "Battle" : "EventID: " + eventId)  + " executed CE ID #" + this._params[0]);
               if (gameVarID === 0) {
                 $gameVariables.setValue(gameVarID, eventId);

    var _GameAction_applyGlobal = Game_Action.prototype.applyGlobal;
    Game_Action.prototype.applyGlobal = function() {
        this.item().effects.forEach(function(effect) {
            if (effect.code === Game_Action.EFFECT_COMMON_EVENT) {
              if (paramOn){
                    console.log("ItemID: " + this.item().id + " executed CE ID #" + effect.dataId);
                     if (gameVar2ID === 0) {
                       $gameVariables.setValue(gameVar2ID, this.item().id);
        }, this);;

I've made a demo for collecting apples that uses this: click here to view

Thanks again for all your help (cool)(thumbsup)
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