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Common Event-Based Skills


Say that I wanted to create a skill that will allow a character to increase another character's ex-parameter or sp-parameter by a value relative to one of their own parameters. I.E.: Character A has 13 agility, and can use the skill to increase another character's evasion by 13%. Then, A levels up, increases AGI to 15, and the same skill now increases evasion by 15%.

I'm thinking the best way to go about something like this is to have a bunch of states for different ex- and sp-parameters, and have a common event that runs inside the skill choose which state to apply. The only problem is that I'm not sure how to reference the user of a skill currently in use - as well as its target - in a custom script. Can someone fill me in?

There may be a plugin that someone has already made that can do this kind of thing, but I would rather just know how to make it work via code, as I'd like to practice scripting a bit on this project.