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Does anyone know if there is a way to have a characters weapon visible throughout the entire combat, not just while striking. I am currently using Side View battle, with animated SV enemies and Weapon Animation. I would also like to be able to achieve this without drawing the weapon on to the character battler. as this means that no matter what is equipped the weapon will always appear the same. I have succeeded with Animated weapons, But the weapon only appears when the swing is made leading to some unusual magical appearing weapon syndrome. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Lyon Media

Ether way you go you'll have to make the weapon some how. Ether make it on the sprite it's self witch you run into the problem you stated that it would always be the same weapon. Or you could make a PNG image of the weapons you have matching them up with the icons. Then edit the battler image using a program like photshop or gimp to make the battlers look like there wilding weapons. After that you could get a programmer to make the weapon PNG to appear in the battle when the matching weapon is being wielded. I hope that I made since in that... If I need to explain it better let me know I'm not always the best at getting out what I mean.. Sorry lol but hope I could help regardless.


I don't mind drawing the weapons, because at some point everything that a player sees has been drawn at least once It's mainly for consistency and Immersion. But basically what your saying is my request is only achievable by the use of a plug-in. If that's the case, do you know of any that will achieve what I'm aiming to do?

Lyon Media

I don't know if Galv still takes requests I know he use to in VX Ace every now and then you can contact him through another forum here
If that doesn't work then on both of these forums there is a section to ask for help from programmers, artists etc.
If nether of those work I can try to do it my self but I'm not that proficient at Java yet I mainly deal with C++ witch is similar to java but I'm still learning Java so I don't think I'm the best person to make a plugin for someone else yet but I can try.


Thanks for the offer, my other issue and why i havnt asked much is I'm a firm believer of equivalent exchange and I'm kinda hard up for disposable income right now, hehe.
[doublepost=1468224904,1467988848][/doublepost]Hey Lyon, I had a thought this morning on how to pull this off; If you want to give it a try let me know. So here it is, make a Plug-in that supplies the designer with a <Note Tag> command for the weapon items note window that allows that weapon to choose with battler sheet that character should use. There aren't too many variables in this case as each character has there own weapon type so it would just be a simple case of having the note tag change to an exact file name. Well I say "simple" I actually have no idea on the logistics of accomplishing what i just suggested.

Iv been using the Animated SV-Enemies plug in and subconsciously i think i realized that you could assign exact filenames using note tags, so i figures the same might be achievable for weapons and hero battler sheets. Let me know what you think