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Collaborative Games?


Hey all. Still brand new to the forum (haven't seriously focused on RM for a long time), but I'm curious as to whether or not people make collaborative games on MV. I have seen some people requesting people to help with story information, graphics, etc. Are all of these things done outside of the game with one person editing them, or do people sometimes share a file over shared online storage (like Dropbox)? I know that MV can only be edited by one person at a time, but I am curious if anyone has attempted to share a game and take turns opening it.

If that is possible or not, what are common ways that people work together? There is a part of me that is interested in helping to work with one or more people to create a rich and enjoyable experience. The main thing that I can offer is a dynamic and engaging storyline, but I know that I'm able to help in other ways as well--I am not a one-trick pony and am absorbing information quickly.

TL;DR: If you have worked with people in the past, how did you do it? What did you learn from your experiences? What would you do differently?

And if you are looking for people to work with and want someone who can specialize in writing (non-paid), let me know.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Most of my experiences with collaborative projects have been...

"Amy, send me art."

*sends art*


... And then whatever I send over is put in by the other person. The main issues I've run into are people losing interest in the project and not having a way to easily replace them. It's a pain >_>

I'm guessing collaborating in MV is a bit easier, now that Mac users can access projects as well.


Well, at least you do your side of the bargain, right? :X

Yeah, I can see that being a big issue, especially when it comes to artwork since it needs to be consistent, right? I think if I did a game with others, at least the first one, I'd want to just use the RPT maker (maybe with some coloring edits) in order to keep things consistent even with the loss of someone... But I am sure there could be issues on a smaller scale, like the style of parallax mapping.

Yes! I'm a Mac user. I partially got it because I didn't have to use VM Ware to get into it. It's soooo nice.


That dropbox is a good idea, I wanted to try it before, but my upload is painfully slow. I'm working on a game with @Micro locally, so luckily I can just use a LAN.

Working on a game with someone is fun in my opinion, because the ideas form together into one unique idea. It's definitely important work with people that share your likes and of course having good chemistry with them. Letting everyone have a role in making the game and finding a middle ground is important in a team. It works out with me because I'm a Jack of all Trades and fill in the role I'm needed in most heh.


Yeah, I think it would be so great to work with people who have great skills and are all excited to use them and treat each other with respect. Middle ground is so important, as is chemistry.

I'm trying not to think of other game ideas that I'd want to share...


Dragon Goddess
Yea it's fun working with @Macro on our game. I don't think there are many others I could work so well with. Our ideas blend together perfectly and we both like to make stories that shy away from the norm a little bit. (putting twists on things, such as the knight and dragon becoming friends instead of killing each other)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I'd love to work in a team to create a game or even just assets for it. I could picture me being part of a collective that produces art and music perfectly tailored for different projects.
*notices that he's member of the resource team* Kinda something like that, actually. XD


I've worked with a lot of BAD teammates over the years, even though they were good friends. They spent their entire time typing their ideas and completely ignoring everyone else's. One guy write the entire story and left everyone else's ideas out. Other guy made music and didn't even bother at paying attention to the scenes he was supposed to make music for, etc.

It was like a bunch of people talking to themselves and were deaf to everything but their own voices. Was a total disaster. We disbanded in less than a month.


Well, Kaimen, maybe we should talk sometime, lol!

DANG, Macro. That really sucks. I've done a lot of collaborative writing through RPG (kinda like forum rpg, but on communities like LJ), and I know how bad it can be when people act like that. Ugh, to be investing into a game and have that... That sucks.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Collaboration work is different that's for sure, I find you have to be in contact quite often otherwise the team ends up forgetting the ideas spoken about, or the project is completely forgotten about. When I did some collab work we used google drive and just downloaded the project file when we wanted to edit it, we also updated a main PM or changelog file showing what has been worked on and when it was done.
@Cate I noticed you may be looking for some collab work as a writer, well if you're interested I could use the help to lighten my load on Sock Quest, check out the main thread in my signature in PM if you're interested.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Well, at least you do your side of the bargain, right? :X

Yeah, I can see that being a big issue, especially when it comes to artwork since it needs to be consistent, right? I think if I did a game with others, at least the first one, I'd want to just use the RPT maker (maybe with some coloring edits) in order to keep things consistent even with the loss of someone... But I am sure there could be issues on a smaller scale, like the style of parallax mapping.
Yup, that's exactly it - if an artist leaves, even a close replacement is generally noticeable. The worst part is when the artwork I make isn't something I can use elsewhere, and it goes to waste. (sad)


Staff member
I have worked on Collaborative games. I have a project named Bobbi Ficus (Paglalakbay ng Diwata) that has over a dozen writers from six continents, that each give their different cultural aspects of fae folk. Each virtually creates their own 'universe' that Bobbi has to travel to. I hear rumor that on one of those realms, the mythological humans may actually exist. I do use commissioned artists, and I have script writers and plugin specialist that help out.


Towns Guard
I think the issue a lot of collabs run into is interest, commitment,nd placing/upholding of deadlines.
Most people can finish what they need to do in a very short period of time, but often unless they are pressured they wont bother to even start it.
I've been in a fair number of collaborations as either a scripter or an eventer. I was working with the same mapper in two projects and we were both dedicated to our jobs.
But we ran into certain issues.
1. The rest of the team doesn't do their job.
2. The project leader doesn't hold anyone to deadlines.
3. The project falls too behind and thus those who are doing their job can no longer receive jobs.

Project leader is such an important job and is the only one that can't be done halfway. If any of the other roles aren't doing their job or even putting in the effort then it's the Project leader's job to either accommodate that role or to replace them.

This post ended up more pessimistic than I thought it would. : o
tl;dr you don't have to be a hardass but if you're project leader make sure people are doing their job.
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Staff member
Anything I thing I like about doing collaborations, is that if it goes commercial or crowdfunding, there are more people to share the funds with.