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"Co:LS" Intro and Release Discussion

How should I Release it

  • Release the demo ?

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Release the first volume

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Release when its really completed

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
hello everyone, I'm from the south east
I have been shrinking my first game project "Chronicles of Luminous Star" from two months ago, because I got tons of collage task this semester.
so I'm thinking and thinking when I'm gonna release it, cause I'm in such a rush now

once this realm is in a never ending war with three sides, there was us Beings of the mid-earth union, it was formed by all the people who want to defend each other.
then there was Dark Rift Invaders, the beings who try to conquer the realm
and the last one is the ancient spirits, the beings of the realm that have lived before us and has sense danger and corruption in us and the Rift Invaders.
both of them Create a mythical pillars Called “Dungeon Towers”
but with this towers, we also could Contact with the Ancients and Fight off the Invaders.
the war was a disaster, our realm were almost destroyed with Diplomacy, Democracy and with the hero’s help is not for long
its a story of the hero's descendant, and our protagonist is really powerful, but everybody in the realm don't know about it

the antagonist is trying to destroy the invaders and the ancients to take over the realm, to do this he need to collect pieces of the Main elements (Fire, Ice, Thunder, Water, Nature, Wind, Light, Shadow) and collect negative energies from all the people in the realm (Greed, Despair, Evil, and Regret)

Ascra's is the talented adventurer that inherited there power from each of the ancients that is sleeping under they're homelands.

our protagonist will live a amazing life in the seiga's academy of arts and magic with his newly encountered friends and old ones as well

then the antagonist destroyed the academy and bring crisis once again to the realm and everybody thinks that our protagonist is responsible for it.

he need to venture around the world, cross elemental dimensions, fight both ancients and invaders, and recruit new comrades just to save the world and clean his name. and to do that he need to believe in the infinite Possibility that he has.

the power of imagination plus possibility equals infinity

the Gameplay is our hero have access to all elemental skills and a very special element from the most luminous star it self
"Photon", it is one of the two essence of the universe itself. and the combination between them is endless
yet his friend will have access to many class advancement, like a warrior can advance to Mercenary, Soldier, and Wanderer.

the game is 93% finished and all I need is more illustration and more editing, but my database just have tons of data
should I release it now as a demo?, should fully release the first volume?, or keep working until its really completed?


This kind of dilemma is usually dictated by how much stuff you have going on in your life away from game development.

If this game gets 100% of your time (as in, it's a job) then absolutely finish it before releasing it, get it polished before you first reveal it.

Otherwise; I think a good model is to release volumes. A game demo can still do a lot here; a 5 minute, polished demo for your game could be released early whilst you polish the entirety of volume 1, then after volume 1 is released you can focus on volume 2 and incorporate feedback from the demo in the early stages of that and feedback from volume 1 in the late stages.
the pol is closed and the result is "release the demo"
I appreciate the help.
Otherwise; I think a good model is to release volumes. A game demo can still do a lot here; a 5 minute, polished demo for your game could be released early whilst you polish the entirety of volume 1, then after volume 1 is released you can focus on volume 2 and incorporate feedback from the demo in the early stages of that and feedback from volume 1 in the late stages.
my original thought was just like that, but i can't choose when the volume is gonna end, the Volume progress was getting the protagonist to explore every dungeon in luminasia, and when the protagonist arrived in this "Monster Tower" i will end it and continue on to the next volume, but I'm afraid the story became more and more shorter than the previous. thnks @Xilefian

i will get the download link for my demo for free soon, well if you can't wait then visit my wordpress to read the whole volume 1 i wrote for it