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Cleanup Part One: Jobs and Services Added


Staff member
A few forums have been renamed and/or shuffled around in the beginning of an ongoing attempt to reorganize the forum.
More of this will most likely happen in the near future.

Two new sections have also been added: Job Offers, and Service Offers

The Job Offers forum is for people who are trying to find someone to fill a role. They are offering a job that they are trying to fill. If you are trying to find a spriter/musician/voice actor/etc. for your game or other project, then post here.

The Service Offers forum is for people who are looking to be contacted by others in order to perform a skill. They are offering their skills, or services, to people who need them (most likely for a fee). If you are a spriter/musician/voice actor/etc. post your commission info (or whatever you're willing to work for) here.

Please, don't mix them up.
If you ever get confused, just mouse over the forum header and a description will pop up.