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"Charge/Mind Charge" Status Help


Good evening, fellow developers,

I had a question regarding implementing a status similar to "Charge"/"Mind Charge" from the Shin Megami Tensei series. For those unfamiliar with the skill name, it is a raw damage multiplier to the next skill used (physical and magical, respectively).

In terms of the damage formula itself, I have come up with the following formula itself, which works as expected:

c=a.atk*4-b.def*2; if (a.isStateAffected(22)) {c=c*2.25; a.removeState(22)} else {c=c}; c
However, I am having some difficulty when it comes to implementing this skill in terms of multi-hit or multi-target attacks. The first hit/first target of the skill will received the increased damage, but it will return to normal upon the second-and-onward hit. I'm currently still researching this at the moment, but I figured I would pose this question to the group to see if anyone has come across this issue.

Please let me know if there are any clarifications I can make.

Thank you,