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Character that changes into monsters tutorial


Hi everyone.
I'm new here and to MV as well.
I've come up with an event that allows one of my characters to turn into monsters via an ability used in battle.
I don't know if this will be of any use to anyone, and if not, please feel free to delete this post.

I created a character ; Tiny the demon, who has the ability to copy a monster's form through the use of a "mirror of souls". Of course it doesn't work with just any monster, but only a few that will give him some perks (such as : bat form has bloodsuck and flies higher, rat can sneak onto a ship for the story to progress, and so on...)

Here's his ability :


This ability calls a common event :


This changes Tiny's Class into a bat class (that i had simply made from the "class" tab), thanks to Yanfly's plugin.
Copy/paste conditional branch with variables for every monster you want.
Last step is to change the graphics. Once again, I'll be using Yanfly's great class change plugin


And there you have it : just use "mirror of souls" ability in battle against a bat and he turns into one!
He can revert into his demon form anytime from the menu but retains the bat form class (no need to fight it again).
This was also made possible by Yanfly's plugin.

There. I don't know the first thing about programing, so I guess it could be made in a more efficient way.
Also, sorry about the french version on the pics. This is because I AM french. Thus hope i didn't make too much mistakes.
Please let me know if it helped you!


I don't know the first thing about programing, so I guess it could be made in a more efficient way.
Also, sorry about the french version on the pics. This is because I AM french. Thus hope i didn't make too much mistakes.
Please let me know if it helped you!
I'm new to MV so I don't really know how a lot of things work, but I understood your tutorial and I'm gonna try it out right away~~! And don't worry about the French! If you look at the respective windows in MV you'll know what's what~~!


I've realized that something isn't working properly :
I wrote : "Enemy #1 -9999hp", while I really want "targeted enemy -9999hp" (+if all conditions are met...)
So I guess i'll have to find some way around it... I guess it's all down to another damage formula + variable...
[doublepost=1497016481,1497015343][/doublepost]EDIT2 :
Ok Fixed it : I created a status ailment that does absolutely nothing and is triggered by my "Mirror of souls" ability.
Then, in my common event, I check if enemy #1 is affected, if yes, kill it, same for #2, 3, and so on.
It makes a very long conditionnal branch, but it works (and it's all just copy/paste, really)


Now, i'm pretty sure this could be achieved with the appropriate damage formula, saving all the tedious conditional branches, but i haven't found wich one yet, so if anyone has an idea?
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