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Character(Sprite) Save Name Information for RPG MKR MV


Character(Sprite) Save Name Information:
I found this information upon a forum or yahoo answer blog somewhere and thought that it would be useful for those editing character palettes.​

RPG MAKER MV is set to divide the palette of sprites into a 1/12 width by a 1/8 height giving eight
animated characters by default. These characters will be set four pixels higher than the base of the tile.

! At the beginning of the save name will cancel the four pixel offset and turn off the translucent effect that is used with the default settings. EX: !MV_Chest.png

$ At the beginning of the save name will change the palette size to a single character dividing the palette into 1/3 width by 1/4 height. EX: $MV_BigMob.png

!$ At the beginning of the save name will use both characteristics given by these symbols.
EX: !$MV_Gate.png

Standard 8 Sprite Palette Size: 576W x 384H (48W x 48H)
Tall 8 Sprite Palette Size: 576W x 768H (48W x 96H)
Single Standard Sprite Palette Size: 144W x 192H (48Wx 48H)
Single Tall Sprite Palette Size: 144W x 384H (48W x 96H)

NOTE: Sprites may be any size as long as they are evenly dividable by the RPG system. Any
pixels that exceed the base 48W x 48H ground tile will automatically appear as if they were
in the upper layer (refer to screenshot).
If screenshot not present-view at g+
SideNote: Need Photoshop? No Currency?
Try LazPaint