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Change Terms in Database while in-game?


Is it possible to change the Terms in Database while you're in-game?
I didn't find it yet.
Is there a solution for this or maybe a plugin?


Line 1362 in rpg_managers.js has the TextManager, which is the wrapper for getting the terms.

It splits the terms into basic, command and message with param for selecting the specific term. In these members it actually accesses $dataSystem.terms which contains all this.

So if you want to change the terms, $dataSystem.terms is where you need to look, however they aren't laid out very nicely in there (some numeric keys, some text keys, it's a pain), so a utility Plugin will actually make it easier;

(This isn't tested, I don't have MV installed here right now, so this might not work)
(function() {

TextManager.getter = function(method, param) {
    return {
        get: function() {
            return this[method](param);
        set: function(value) {
            $dataSystem.terms[method][param] = value;
        configurable: true

Object.defineProperty(TextManager, 'currencyUnit', {
    get: function() { return $dataSystem.currencyUnit; },
    set: function(value)  $dataSystem.currencyUnit = value; },
    configurable: true

Object.defineProperties(TextManager, {
    level           : TextManager.getter('basic', 0),
    levelA          : TextManager.getter('basic', 1),
    hp              : TextManager.getter('basic', 2),
    hpA             : TextManager.getter('basic', 3),
    mp              : TextManager.getter('basic', 4),
    mpA             : TextManager.getter('basic', 5),
    tp              : TextManager.getter('basic', 6),
    tpA             : TextManager.getter('basic', 7),
    exp             : TextManager.getter('basic', 8),
    expA            : TextManager.getter('basic', 9),
    fight           : TextManager.getter('command', 0),
    escape          : TextManager.getter('command', 1),
    attack          : TextManager.getter('command', 2),
    guard           : TextManager.getter('command', 3),
    item            : TextManager.getter('command', 4),
    skill           : TextManager.getter('command', 5),
    equip           : TextManager.getter('command', 6),
    status          : TextManager.getter('command', 7),
    formation       : TextManager.getter('command', 8),
    save            : TextManager.getter('command', 9),
    gameEnd         : TextManager.getter('command', 10),
    options         : TextManager.getter('command', 11),
    weapon          : TextManager.getter('command', 12),
    armor           : TextManager.getter('command', 13),
    keyItem         : TextManager.getter('command', 14),
    equip2          : TextManager.getter('command', 15),
    optimize        : TextManager.getter('command', 16),
    clear           : TextManager.getter('command', 17),
    newGame         : TextManager.getter('command', 18),
    continue_       : TextManager.getter('command', 19),
    toTitle         : TextManager.getter('command', 21),
    cancel          : TextManager.getter('command', 22),
    buy             : TextManager.getter('command', 24),
    sell            : TextManager.getter('command', 25),
    alwaysDash      : TextManager.getter('message', 'alwaysDash'),
    commandRemember : TextManager.getter('message', 'commandRemember'),
    bgmVolume       : TextManager.getter('message', 'bgmVolume'),
    bgsVolume       : TextManager.getter('message', 'bgsVolume'),
    meVolume        : TextManager.getter('message', 'meVolume'),
    seVolume        : TextManager.getter('message', 'seVolume'),
    possession      : TextManager.getter('message', 'possession'),
    expTotal        : TextManager.getter('message', 'expTotal'),
    expNext         : TextManager.getter('message', 'expNext'),
    saveMessage     : TextManager.getter('message', 'saveMessage'),
    loadMessage     : TextManager.getter('message', 'loadMessage'),
    file            : TextManager.getter('message', 'file'),
    partyName       : TextManager.getter('message', 'partyName'),
    emerge          : TextManager.getter('message', 'emerge'),
    preemptive      : TextManager.getter('message', 'preemptive'),
    surprise        : TextManager.getter('message', 'surprise'),
    escapeStart     : TextManager.getter('message', 'escapeStart'),
    escapeFailure   : TextManager.getter('message', 'escapeFailure'),
    victory         : TextManager.getter('message', 'victory'),
    defeat          : TextManager.getter('message', 'defeat'),
    obtainExp       : TextManager.getter('message', 'obtainExp'),
    obtainGold      : TextManager.getter('message', 'obtainGold'),
    obtainItem      : TextManager.getter('message', 'obtainItem'),
    levelUp         : TextManager.getter('message', 'levelUp'),
    obtainSkill     : TextManager.getter('message', 'obtainSkill'),
    useItem         : TextManager.getter('message', 'useItem'),
    criticalToEnemy : TextManager.getter('message', 'criticalToEnemy'),
    criticalToActor : TextManager.getter('message', 'criticalToActor'),
    actorDamage     : TextManager.getter('message', 'actorDamage'),
    actorRecovery   : TextManager.getter('message', 'actorRecovery'),
    actorGain       : TextManager.getter('message', 'actorGain'),
    actorLoss       : TextManager.getter('message', 'actorLoss'),
    actorDrain      : TextManager.getter('message', 'actorDrain'),
    actorNoDamage   : TextManager.getter('message', 'actorNoDamage'),
    actorNoHit      : TextManager.getter('message', 'actorNoHit'),
    enemyDamage     : TextManager.getter('message', 'enemyDamage'),
    enemyRecovery   : TextManager.getter('message', 'enemyRecovery'),
    enemyGain       : TextManager.getter('message', 'enemyGain'),
    enemyLoss       : TextManager.getter('message', 'enemyLoss'),
    enemyDrain      : TextManager.getter('message', 'enemyDrain'),
    enemyNoDamage   : TextManager.getter('message', 'enemyNoDamage'),
    enemyNoHit      : TextManager.getter('message', 'enemyNoHit'),
    evasion         : TextManager.getter('message', 'evasion'),
    magicEvasion    : TextManager.getter('message', 'magicEvasion'),
    magicReflection : TextManager.getter('message', 'magicReflection'),
    counterAttack   : TextManager.getter('message', 'counterAttack'),
    substitute      : TextManager.getter('message', 'substitute'),
    buffAdd         : TextManager.getter('message', 'buffAdd'),
    debuffAdd       : TextManager.getter('message', 'debuffAdd'),
    buffRemove      : TextManager.getter('message', 'buffRemove'),
    actionFailure   : TextManager.getter('message', 'actionFailure'),

This isn't ideal, but that should make it so you can do something like TextManager.newGame = "Start This Game"

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm closing thread due to being addressed & solved if for any reason you would like it re-opened please report the post.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
This topic has been reopened as per a request. If you no longer need clarification regarding this issue, let me know and I will close it once again. (cheeky)


Towns Guard
My understanding of Javascript is super dodgey.
If I want to change "New Game" to "Start New Adventure," then what would I enter for method and param in the above example?