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Certain Tileset Tiles not appearing in-game


Hey! So I've been tinkering around MV for a few months now, when adding assorted trees, I realized a portion of those trees don't appear in-game yet they show perfectly fine in the editor. I troubleshot the problem with/without plugins, tags, and removing ground tiles from below to see if it can appear, unfortunately nothing came up. Any Ideas?Capture.PNG Capture2.PNG


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
This is reeeally weird and isn't supposed to happen ono Have you checked if it shows fine in the folders and in the databank? I've never seen an issue like that. Maybe reimport that tileset and try if it works again...? Otherwise you could parallax most of your outside map so they'd show up in all cases :x


Folders are good and I reimported the files but no luck :/. How do I access the databank files for this? Lol learning parallax is on my to-do list :D
[doublepost=1470174838,1470173447][/doublepost]Ah so I figured out the problem after tinkering with the tileset, so when this happens, the image within the bounderies specified by the databank only appear. my tileset wasn't with the databank boundery dimensions and was too long, so the edge of the image was out and therefore not registering with the program.