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Celestugaia A Universe of Books

Celestugaia A Universe of Books 1

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Seems like it will be a fun little game.
I love the start with the planets and shooting stars! Very nice!
You have one of the strangest weapon shops I have ever been inside! :D
(The Inn looks a little strange on the outside when I compare it to the outside of the weapon shop.)
I like your sound FX, the beeps in the menu screen are very nice to listen to, as is your battle music.
I also liked it when I went to the Inn and my characters started to talk to each other. Very good.
(Only a slight problem; after I go outside and fight the boss in black, I then get sent to the world map and become invisible, might want to
turn transparency back on?)

Any way, good luck with your game I will look forward to playing more in the future I like what I've seen so far. :)
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Thank you so much for the feedback. I also thought the inn looked awkward, so I've already changed that. Also the game got bigger and the battle system is shifted to a tactics battle system now. :D Once again thank you for your feedback I will keep this spot updated as new things roll out. :D