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Brainstorming CRAZY Skills and Weapons


Lord of Memes
Howdy everyone!

My game Silence has been in development for quite some time, and I've had a lot of ideas. However, I'm kind of running low on steam, and need some help. I have 60 player skills in the game (one per character), 32 weapons, and 8 limit-beakers. However, I intend for these numbers to be a lot higher.

So lets get some ideas!

When i say CRAZY skills and weapons, i do mean absolutely CRAZY. I want very atypical ideas or possibly advanced ideas you guys had for your games that ended up getting scrapped.

I'll give examples for each category, with things that are being currently used in Silence.

-Blood Sacrifice: Sets a user's HP to 1, buffs all stats and removes status effects.
-Obliterate: Drain all of the user's MP, deal damage equal to three times the drained mana.

-Kamikaze: Doubles ATK and MAT, halves DEF and MDF, Set MHP to 30%
-The Leech: Constantly drain user's HP, constantly regen's MP

-Nightmare: Deals damage to all enemies and allies, with a 10% chance of instantly killing a foe and a 5% chance of instantly killing an ally
-Annihilation: Enrage's the user, buffs ATK, attacks a random enemy with a slash guaranteed to be a critical hit

Those are some examples of wacky stuff! Go ahead and post anything, i'd be happy to discuss ideas as well as get some new skills and weapons!


Howdy everyone!

My game Silence has been in development for quite some time, and I've had a lot of ideas. However, I'm kind of running low on steam, and need some help. I have 60 player skills in the game (one per character), 32 weapons, and 8 limit-beakers. However, I intend for these numbers to be a lot higher.

So lets get some ideas!

When i say CRAZY skills and weapons, i do mean absolutely CRAZY. I want very atypical ideas or possibly advanced ideas you guys had for your games that ended up getting scrapped.

I'll give examples for each category, with things that are being currently used in Silence.

-Blood Sacrifice: Sets a user's HP to 1, buffs all stats and removes status effects.
-Obliterate: Drain all of the user's MP, deal damage equal to three times the drained mana.

-Kamikaze: Doubles ATK and MAT, halves DEF and MDF, Set MHP to 30%
-The Leech: Constantly drain user's HP, constantly regen's MP

-Nightmare: Deals damage to all enemies and allies, with a 10% chance of instantly killing a foe and a 5% chance of instantly killing an ally
-Annihilation: Enrage's the user, buffs ATK, attacks a random enemy with a slash guaranteed to be a critical hit

Those are some examples of wacky stuff! Go ahead and post anything, i'd be happy to discuss ideas as well as get some new skills and weapons!
Nice, I see you progressed in your game :) That is great, I would love to help again.


Towns Guard
Crazy skills and weapons...hmm...what about the following:

-Not sure if it is possible to make such but I think a weapon would be interesting that has increasing effect over the battle...for example its damage would increase by 10% each turn - but the same time it lowers the MHP of the user by 10%

-Not sure if its crazy enough for you but how about Skills with unusual damage formulas? Examples could be...
...Martial Art - b.att + a.def
...Passive Aggression - a.def*4 -
...Slow attack - a.att*4 - a.agi*2
...Wild Shot - (a.luk - b.luk) * (a.luk - b.luk)
...none else come to my mind right now, sadly...there are of coursse much more creative options
-What about a skill inducing a random debuff OR buff to a RANDOM target?


Staff member
Sacrifice Arm:
Escape from the battle, but give your character a permanent attack debuff.

Suicide Strike:
80% chance to kill you, 50% chance to kill your opponent

Ultimate Sacrifice:
Sacrifice your allies. Gain their stats.

Overdoing it:
Buff all stats. Lose two levels after the battle.

Final Form:
Become immune to all damage and buff all stats for one turn, then faint at the end of turn.

Mangled Arm (weapon):
Chance to steal an item from an enemy


Lord of Memes
Crazy skills and weapons...hmm...what about the following:

-Not sure if it is possible to make such but I think a weapon would be interesting that has increasing effect over the battle...for example its damage would increase by 10% each turn - but the same time it lowers the MHP of the user by 10%
Wow, very interesting concept! I think this could also work for a weapon with very high attack stats, but "tires out" the user, dropping their DEF, ATK, and AGI over time.

...Martial Art - b.att + a.def
...Passive Aggression - a.def*4 -
...Slow attack - a.att*4 - a.agi*2
...Wild Shot - (a.luk - b.luk) * (a.luk - b.luk)
...none else come to my mind right now, sadly...there are of coursse much more creative options
I have been toying with this, and would like to implement it, but it's turning out to be VERY difficult to keep it balanced. However, this gives me an idea.

Mind, Body, Soul: ((a.atk + a.def + a.mat + a.mdf) * a.luk) - (b.def * b.luk)

-What about a skill inducing a random debuff OR buff to a RANDOM target?[/QUOTE]

In conjunction with your previous skill ideas, I'd like to find a way to deal MORE damage to an enemy with, say, an active attack buff.
Maybe i'll end up making each individual buff a state, rather than using the preset buff mechanics. While it would be difficult to program, perhaps an attack that puts a random debuff on an enemy, but buffs it's opposite stat. Like, if DEF is debuffed, ATK is buffed.

Thanks, Jiriki9!

Now onto mister Sage

Final Form:
Become immune to all damage and buff all stats for one turn, then faint at the end of turn.

Mangled Arm (weapon):
Chance to steal an item from an enemy
These i like. For the Mangled Arm, I would likely set each enemy to give a specific item (and only items that go towards weapon upgrades, since HP and MP items could be potentially game breaking)

Final Form is also very nice, I may instead make a state (Doom or Emptiness or something) that kills the afflicted character upon the state being removed. So, while all your stats are buffed, you'll die after 2 to 5 turns. Better hope you have autolife!

Now, Ultimate sacrifice stirs a lot of ideas in my head. What do you think of a move that kills the user and buffs 3 random stats on all allies?
This also gives m an idea for when you find party members. I already had it in my head that you must complete a battle against a potential party member before they can join, and you are given the option to spare or sacrifice.
While sparing obviously adds them to your party, what if sacrificing them made you gain all of their stats (except LUK) but, you don't gain all of it. Your luck = the % of their stats you gain, rounded down to the nearest whole number.

While i very much like the idea of Suicide Strike, it's certainly a bit too unfavorable. perhaps a 25% chance to kill you, 25% chance to buff a random stat of yours, 25% to kill your enemy, and 25% to buff 2 random stats on the targeted enemy.
But, this gives me an idea for an experimental healing with an 80% chance to cause mass healing and a 20% to cause death.

Overdoing it is also a nice idea for a skill, however it is completely ruined by the already implemented leveling/skill point system. This skill would make it very easy to grind SP to buy any and all skills the second you have access to them, and then max them out.

As well, Sacrifice Arm could work if treated like a Darkest Dungeon debuff. Since you can only save by sleeping, I'd say it'd work to have it debuff your attack until the next time you save.

So guys, those are my two cents! I'd really like to know what ya think :) and any more ideas to toss at me, i'm more than happy to listen



Towns Guard

Here's a few that I've got for you.. Some OP stuffs, aha! >=D


- Holy Beam Bash: A single-target Holy-element attack that deals double the damage to dark, zombie, ghost and demon type enemies.

- Step of the Heavenly God: An all-enemies-targetting Holy-element attack that deal double the damage to dark, zombie, ghost and demon type enemies.

- Sword of the Most High: A Holy-element single-target physical attack that ignores DEF. Damage is equal to user's ATK multiplies by MAX HP. Can only be used once in a fight. Can only be used if the user is the only remaining party member in the fight.

- Force of the Most High: A Holy-element single-target magical attack that ignores MAG DEF. Damage is equal to user's MAG ATK multiplies by MAX HP. Can only be used once in a fight. Can only be used if the user is the only remaining party member in the fight.


- Order of Light: A sturdy ordinary-looking sword that triples the damage of Sword of the Most High when equipped. {Stats: ATK + 333, MATK + 333, Cannot be sold, Obtainable via some sort of very long series of sidequests, aha, Lvl requirement: 99)

- God's Tears: A beautiful ring that triples the damage of Force of the Most High when equipped. {Stats: ATK + 333, MATK + 333, Cannot be sold, Obtainable via some sort of very long series of sidequests, aha, Lvl requirement: 99)

Limit Breaks:

- Heavenly Crescendo: Boosts user's ATK, MATK, DEF, MDEF and AGI by 300% for 3 turns, immune to all status ailments during these 5 turns.

- God's Wish: Fully restore HP and MP of the whole party, fully cure all status ailments of the whole party, revives all KO'ed party members with full health(full HP, MP and no status ailments) and boosts the ATK, MATK, DEF, MDEF and AGI of the whole party by 300% for 3 turns.