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Battle Plugin - Enemy Name Text Color Based on Difficulty


I hope I am posting this in the correct place.

I wasn't able to find this anywhere else or via Google. If I missed it, please let me know with the link.
I think it will be something that everyone could use in their game. Basically, the idea would be to change the text color of the enemy name in battle based on their difficulty, whether it be based on level difference (as in Xenoblade Chronicles X, see below image) or another custom difficulty range. Because of how my game is set up, I have some enemies with say, level 39, but HP over 300,000. If I were to base difficulty on difference of player level vs. enemy level, it wouldn't match up due to HP and other stats. So i would need something where i can adjust each of the color ranges to identify, basically, the odds of survival for the player against any enemy.

The scale would run from white (easiest) to red (extremely dangerous), again based on custom ranges that would be allowed through the plugin options, as well as color of each range. I think that this would be very useful to other game makers looking to distinguish battles from default ones and would also add an element of skill to the game. While I'm not too sure on programming, I feel that this would be doable.

I know that HimeWorks has a Enemy Level plugin and allows you to change the name color based on level only and does not adjust for varying degrees (static color). Yanfly has one as well . I'm using the Yanfly one, but what I'm looking for is a way to set up difficulty ranges and have corresponding enemy name colors. I have a formula that I am using to rate my enemies based on Level, HP, MP, ATK, DEF, etc, multiplied by a ratio of player level divided by 100. This could be adjustable depending on the values a creator would like to use.

The plugin options would look something like this with 7 levels)

Easiest Difficulty Threshold (min value and max value, white color text)
Easy Difficulty Threshold
Dangerous Threshold

Easiest Name Color
Dangerous Color

Sample Pic from XBCX manual

If this is not possible. Maybe a way to change the enemy name text color when selecting an enemy. I tried Victor's Control Text and it caused a severe lag with my system, even without using Yanfly's Core, Battle Core, and Message Core. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you need a demo, please let me know.