Indie Dev

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I have been watching a lot of Echo607's tutorials, but I am coming across numerous issues. I copied her Dynamic Battle Intro, but the characters don't pose ;[ example in the notes for the battle intro skill theres things like MOTION ITEM: character 1
MOTION SKILL: character 2 etc. but they arent doing the motion -.- ive tried replacing this with their names, and changing the zoom and wait stuff but thEY WONT FRIGGIN POSE. I'm making a basic MV game [since it's my first project], but I'm kind of a perfectionist and i cannot figure anything out. I need hELP please. I am also having trouble with the attack command following the players and enemies to their target, but when the enemies go up to the actors, the game errors because they dont swing or thrust or missile. i dont know how to code either 0.0
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