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Balancing Attacks


When developing your game, how do you balance the ATK and MAT of your enemies. This is something that I have trouble with. Different points of view would be very helpful as I'm new to game making. Any and all feedback is appreciated, it's how we get better at making games.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I find one of the best ways to balance battles, in general, is to do a lot of playtesting. I also believe always having it in mind, if you always remember balancing you will think about it while eventing, adding items, making shops etc. Balancing is one of those things you always have to work on, you have to think, hey if this item is worth $5000 and the first town the player won't have nearly enough then you should choose another item or change the price depends on what the item is. This way the player won't be intimidated by the prices and if they happen to find this item, they will be rich and pay for all the armor and weapons that should not be purchased until later in the game, making them over powered. You basically need to always think about balancing so that while you're developing your thinking about the player and their progression. Balancing is a tough thing to do but if you're always thinking about it then you're always doing something to it, re-adjusting whatever needs to be, then when you playtest you can either confirm what you've done is good or re-adjust again, rinse & repeat lol.


^^^ THIS!

Test, test, test, and test.

In my current project I found easier to to make my classes and scale those to what I wanted. Then I made my weapons. I had an idea on what I wanted to imbue certain ones with and then I created about 90 different stock enemies and went through each one with each weapon (98) and armor combination (102)... daunting? absolutely. BUT I was able to gather a data matrix that gave me what I wanted to know - I ended up making OP weapons that I didnt want to change extremely expensive.

For example, I have a 50,000 G "conduit" weapon that calls down a rain of fire area spell at 550 DMG base, twice times per hit (I've watched it do 9999 HP per hit from a level 15 character in testing) .... because it adds 250 to M.ATK and M.DEF - the kicker is AGL goes negative and grows negative while in use and your P.DEF and P.ATK stay at 0 with the conduit physical attack also at 0 regardless anything worn or buff spells cast (which means trying to buff as an offset just wastes turn and MP or items). As an additional offset for this and other mega weapons players can use, resurrection type items and spells that make it worth bringing someone back in a boss battle, these weapons make those things 90% less effective so no full health rez but the MP will come back full or per item definition. It'll make the players think about their strategy rather than say "oh, OP weapon exploitation, nice!" Uh no... but by all means get yourself an education in it by trying.