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Aye-o i'm new and I got a few q's!

Hi everyone, I've been really enjoying the site, the resources are fantastic! I just started making a game and was kind of familiar with rpg maker vx ace, but still have a lot too learn. With some things I got from the community I just began to learn parallax mapping. I have some quick questions I need help with.

So, for starters what do you guys think of my parallax mapping?

I was also wondering, and cant figure this out. You see below my character there is a lantern on that tree stump? Well I have also made a night/day system and I want to make it so that at night time, the lantern is lit up and has a radius of light around it. How would I do this?
- I've tried to do a basic event with switches, but the light is either always there, or never there. I used a conditional branch of the variable, hours, when hours was > or = 16, a switch would turn on.. but I cant figure out how to show the light when that switch is on?
- I thought about trying an event spawner, but failed to understand it! Would that be the solution?
- And yes, I could put parallax map the light there, but i'm already using kaus ultimate overlay plugin, and have a ground layer, a par layer, and a light layer. And I want the light layer there all the time.

Well, that is all.. Thank you everybody!


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums @ThirstyCobras! Glad to have you in this fantastic community. We're all here to help you with your endeavours, so if you have any questions, or need any assistance at all, don't be afraid to ask! Remember, the only silly question is the one never asked. :)

i would suggest putting your questions in the MV Support section, as more people frequent those forums than here. Better exposure of your questions mean more possible solutions for you :)