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Asterism [Astronomy] [Story-Heavy]

Which character do you find most interesting / want to know the most about?

  • Kotachi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ophi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ayane

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Leos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Riko

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mitra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dania

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters



Hello everyone, this is my first full-length RPG Maker game, Asterism!

Kotachi Asterio is a 15 year old boy who wants to help people that can’t fight for themselves. However, he isn't some sort of superhero- he can just see things other people can't. During the day, he goes to high school with his best friend, Ophi. At night, the two fight off specters, monsters that lurk in shadows and can harm people. It is a kinetic visual novel in terms of story, as there is only one ending.

Kotachi has been able to see specters since he was about 10. When his grandfather died, he was given a wooden box that was simply inscribed with “to whoever can grasp it”. Inside were a pair of white revolvers- however, his parents couldn’t see them, leading Kotachi to realize the revolvers were special. He finds that his revolvers are actually forged from the constellation Perseus, and can be used to fight of specters, monsters that fester in dark places. The game starts with Kotachi and his best friend, Ophi, fighting off specters when they stumble upon a talking fox who claims to be an Aligner, someone who fights specters, and makes the two boys her apprentices. They meet several other characters as they all train to become certified Aligners from C.O.I.N., an organization that employs Aligners to dispel and research specters. Throughout the game, it becomes apparent that some constellations actually embody human forms, and are a group known as the Zodiac- a group that was previously thought to be legend, as they haven’t been seen for decades. Kotachi is one of the few people in the world with a weapon strong enough to dispel the specters controlling each of the Zodiac, and thus can become their Protector, someone who shields the constellations from specters and is able to invoke their power in battle.

✩ Kotachi Asterio
Kotachi almost always has a grin on his face and, when he isn’t being lazy, he’s typically upbeat. However, he’s not very outgoing, and Ophi is his only real friend until Vulpe comes along and forces him to meet new people. Kotachi would be perfectly content staying a nobody and destroying specters on his own time, as he hates change.

✩ Ophi Lira
Ophi is a very standoffish character who is both distrusting and generally doesn’t like the rest of the cast, save for Kotachi- however, even with Kotachi he’s very tsundere. However, aside from their “teacher”, Vulpe, Ophi is the most experienced in the group, as he’s been able to see specters “for as long as [he] can remember”. As he’s known him since they were little, Ophi is closest to Kotachi. Even with Kotachi, though, there are things he doesn’t like to talk about- specifically his family, or lack thereof. However, through all of his rude and snide comments directed at Kotachi, Ophi does care about him.

✩ Ayane Miu
Ayane is seemingly cold and standoffish, but she generally doesn’t like people who waste her time or slack off. She is the tentative valedictorian of their class and also the incognito PTA president while also learning the ropes of running a national bank, her father's business. It's safe to say she doesn't exactly like to rest. She’s worked most her life to further her father’s business when she takes over, so most of her development is her learning to relax every once in awhile.

✩ Leos Coronil
Leos tries to get along with everyone. He’s an easy going guy, but his calm nature makes him the target of bullying, specifically from football players who think he’s crazy for seeing specters. Within the group, he’s the median, and thinks more with his heart than with his brain. Although he’s easy going, he is somewhat outgoing as well and likes talking to people. He’s the ace of the soccer team and prefers the company of people as opposed to being alone.

✩ Riko Asterio
Riko is Kotachi’s adopted older sister. She used to be close with Kotachi when they were younger, but a failure to stay in touch or even visit after she moved into a dorm for high school caused the two to grow apart. She’s grown sort of blind to this shift, and is surprised when she finally comes home to see how far apart Kotachi has grown from her. Riko is mostly the opposite of her brother- she’s outgoing, loud, and constantly trying new things. She’s never still except when busy with work and loves to be around others. Most of all, she likes teasing Kotachi.

✩ Mitra Jesser
Mitra is somewhat a lone wolf who has been hunting specters on his own for years like Ayane. However, Mitra received all of his training from his father, a retired Aligner who worked for C.O.I.N. Although he is somewhat of a loner, Mitra is not overly rude or standoffish- instead, he’s more quiet and concise. He agrees with Ayane’s thinking of “say what you need to say and nothing more”, except his approach on this comes from a soldier’s point of view rather than a business person’s point of view. He is often seen studying- because of this most people think he's an A+ student, when in reality he's a C-.

✩ Dania Truman
Dania doesn’t get out a lot, not since her grandfather passed away. She used to volunteer at the C.O.I.N. outpost with him, healing Aligners, so when he passed away she kept at it, even if she became more reserved. After she met the rest of the characters, she began trying to go with them on their quests, even if it meant skipping out on work. Dania is timid and doesn’t talk a lot to strangers, but isn’t quiet like Mitra- instead, she only talks a lot to people she’s comfortable being around because of her shyness. She’s a very hard worker, and frequently works until told by a superior to take a break.

Character Sprites - 10% Done
Walking Sprites - 2%
Writing - 50%
Script Revisions - 15%
Programming - 0%
Music - 0%

Art, writing, scripting - me (Mikomi Kisomi)
Music - undetermined

Hey guys! This is my newest project, Asterism. It's an RPG VN (i.e. an RPG with VN elements) that is being made on RPG Maker MV, with the fighting being in classic JRPG style. It centers around Kotachi and the rest of the cast training and becoming certified Aligners, and eventually him becoming the Protector of the Zodiac. I've already had a few questions about it before, so note- this game is astronomy based, not astrology based. The main cast all use weapons forged from constellations such as Perseus, Serpens, Aquila, and more- each weapon was placed on Earth long ago by ancient powers. Each of the weapons can be upgraded. Later on, Kotachi begins rescuing members of the Zodiac from specters that have infected them- once he has successfully rescued a constellation, he is able to summon them to help fight off specters.

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