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Ask for resources, or try to use whats given?


So for my next project I wasn't sure if I should try to ask for some
graphics or try to use what was already in MV.

Now I know I could go for a mix but I don't know if I'd like doing that.
If someones gonna take the time to make me a few enemies or
what have you, I don't want to just have it used a few times and its
done. If I'm gonna have custom resources I want that person to feel
proud that they did the design for most of whatever they did.

But, on the other hand if I just use whats already in MV there isn't to much.
Yeah I can spread out the enemies in different ways and use the Hue
changer. But then It doesn't seem as different, I mean anyone can use the
already given resources and come up with different names and different
pallet swaps.

I don't know :( just really torn at a designers standpoint.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
It heavily depends on what you want from your game and your budget. Wanna go commercial? You're gonna need custom everything. Wanna be original and have some own design ideas implemented? You're gonna need custom graphics. Can't find that one song that captures the scene you're working on? You're gonna have someone compose it for you. And all that customization will cost you a bunch of munnys.
You can do a lot with the default graphic and audio but you're incredibly limited at the same time. Not having original content means having to compete with the mass of other RM games out there and you'll have to have a solid and convincing concept (i.e. gameplay, characters, plot, etc.) to set your game apart from all the others out there.

Really, you have to think about how you want to construct your game. Personally, I'm more the story guy. I don't care about fancy looking battlers and all that. You can make good games with the standard stuff too. But for some people out there, the thing that matters most is looks. :)


Yeah I don't much care for anything to fancy but I don't just wanna be
one to use whats given then it just kinda seems dull.

And the thing is Im not one to be all commercial and fancy, wanting to make
moneys. I want to make a game thats free, that when someone says "Man
I don't have the money to go buy a RPG on steam or get a SNES and FF(Number)"
That they can get my game to hold them over till they can get a game, or if
they like it enough and want more they can get another one. I know those
big companys need to make money thats why I just want people to be able to
play a game until they get a job, or there birthday comes around or whatever.

As for paying other peopel, I could never do that. I don't have a high enough
paying job to even begin to pay designers of that sort. And I'm not saying I
should get a free pass either. I also know that there are plenty of people on
the forums who post there own things and ask for credit which is super helpful.

I guess what Im saying is Im a 'for the people' kinda guy and I hope that I can
find something to use for this game. In MV or customized.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I guess what Im saying is Im a 'for the people' kinda guy and I hope that I can find something to use for this game. In MV or customized.
I know what you mean there. I'm feeling the same way there making music for free and free use. Up until now I never even so much as thought about being payed for my music and I'm still gonna continue making music for free use, but not as much as in the past. I just want to give the people who can't afford to pay for custom resources the possibility to use non-default resources. :)


And thats why I Love this community. It's kind like the MTG communtiy.
Everyones really nice and shares all there resources for people who can't
afford the good things, or if you're just a kind hearted soul like yourself
you just do it cause you want to.

I myself Love pixel art, and have done a few things with it, but it was only
editing things that already existed, and I would Love to do that for this
community in one way or another. I just don't know where to start.


Dragon Goddess
so far I'm just using what comes with MV just to see what I actually want to dedicate time to. if I get more into it, I'll try to find some other resources around the web.

as for getting custom resources, I think that would be hard since I'm no artist and don't know any... xD doh!


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
If I'm making a map, for example, I build the basic structure with the default assets, then recreate it once I find everything I need.