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Artist + Voice Actors Needed! (Volunteers!)


Towns Guard
Hey everyone, long story short, I decided to remove voice acting, and I no longer require help with the art...

As a part of my school's club, FBLA, and my Senior-year Game Design Class, I now have 6 other people helping me, 3 are artists. One for face portraits, another for top-down sprites, and the other for tilesets. So the art, for the most part, is covered.

As for the Voice Acting, I've been thinking a lot, and the three reasons for this, is that I dont have the right equipment, it's too difficult to coordinate with the bulk of my voice actors, and the script is always changing, which means lines will be re-voiced a lot. I'll message everyone that replied to this post and inform them.
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Neil London

Hey! I have experience in voice acting and directing voice talent. I'd love to see if I can help? Here is a link to a project I worked on last year as both Voice director and some small character parts.



If you do decide to add voice acting, I'm interested. I see you have a lot of female characters. I could take a stab at them. I'm a writer, and I sing, but I've never really tried voice acting (been in a couple plays though). Good luck on trying to get it done before your graduation!


HI Neil, thanks for replying. I would love to bring you aboard, but I am currently writing the script/dialogue for the game, and I don't have anything for you now. However, I'll let you know when I have a role and dialogue for ya ;)


Hey BlizZaga, As I explained to Neil London, I don't have the full script yet, and as of when I'm writing this, I have only just started coming up with the dialogue for the characters Isabel and Nicole. Also as I stated in an update to my original post, I removed Danielle as of one the characters and I found someone at my school who might be interested in filling one of the roles. I'll let you know what she decides on (if she decides to help), and we'll talk about which other character(s) you can take. Also singing won't be necessary lol, and thanks for your reply!
Awesome, ok! Looking forward to it.


Of course LunarB! Like I told everyone else, I still need to finish the script before I have anyone start recording, so you'll have to wait a bit until I do finish. In addition, all the main male characters are taken, but you're welcome to take any NPC character or enemy role. However, if you're still interested in a main character role, tell me and I'll mark you down as a backup actor for those roles. Thanks for volunteering, and I'll try to keep everyone updated on my progress on my main thread under "Projects Under Development"
Hey that's cool, I had read the reply to the other posts.
I'll literally do anything you need. Put me down as a backup, as enemy(s), extras, monster noises, high-pitched shrieking - you name it. (snicker)