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Artist Unknown

Dalton Sayre

Towns Guard
I am trying to find who made these beautiful trees. I have several, enough for two & a half to three full tilesets. I would like to be able to share them, but I can't figure out where I got them.

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Dalton Sayre

Towns Guard
No idea, sorry, I tried a reverse google search and the only thing I found like them was something like this...

That is from this website.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Same here. I tried every image, more than 60 and had no luck with reverse image, I messaged a few prominent creators & they didn't know either. It is a similar format, but several of the images I have start from seed and include either fall foliage or leafless trees. I truly appreciate the effort you put into helping. It remains an enigma. I also spent hours searching various terms( tree sprites, pixel tree life cycle, tree sets from sapling to stump, etc). I'm not giving up on it. You'll be the first to know if and when I do find out. I really want to get them out there, so many forests waiting to be planted...


Ha-ha good luck to you...
I can only think of two things to do and I'm not sure I should say on here, but...

Option 1. Use them.
You tried to find them and could not, so maybe the chances of you getting a copyright strike for using them is incredibly low if no one can find them. (they are not Pokémon trees or Sonic assets which get flagged up immediately)
If they were on websites and the artist clearly had Trade Marks on them, and asked you not to use them and yet you disregarded their wishes then that is totally wrong and you should not use them. (But you have tried very hard to find them)

I do not know the in's and out's of it but; even if you did get the original artist contacting you, the worst case scenario is a slap on the wrist and you will have to take them out of your game and use something else.

Option 2: Edit them
Open them up in Mario Paint or what ever Photoshop software you use, and change the colour of them a bit, add a few more branches, and just tart them up.
(How much do you need to edit a picture like a tree until it's a different tree? I do not know and it might be worth asking on a forum)

Like I said I don't know the legality of it, but, worst case scenario, you are not going to go to prison for using them :)

But these are just my opinions;

The views expressed here are solely those of "Azdak" in his private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of "," or any other entity of this community.

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Any way mate, good luck with what ever you do :D
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Dalton Sayre

Towns Guard
From a moral standpoint, I can't proceed with either option. If they are intended to be free, I want to get them out there because I think they're great. I can't do it without being sure that the artist is 100% okay with it. I make stuff for the love of it, but if the creator makes their living selling them, I don't want to disrupt their revenue or make them feel slighted. Almost as important, it is a mystery that I haven't been able to solve. It's my quest, I've found a treasure, but I can neither share nor claim it unless I find the source. To do otherwise could be to invite upon myself a curse and a mark upon my honor.
[doublepost=1548819196,1548807681][/doublepost]Epic fail! After searching long and hard, the answer was provided. Valeree (my beautiful and brilliant Wife/bestest best friend) glanced at what I was searching & instantly provided enlightenment. They are a lost cause, cannot be used


I'm sorry, that is a shame to hear. :(
But well done to the wife!!! She must have like, +10 perception or something! :D