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Arab clothing, everything desert related


Hello dear gamers and developers, long time no see!

I wasn´t around that much in the forums as I was watching thousands of tutorials and reviewing many many books. As some of you might know, I´m totally new to the RPG maker and trying to make a little game as part of my master thesis about the possibilities of integrating videogames in class.
I´m trying to build a game about Abraham and Sarah, and what I have so far is a neat tutorial (about a boy searching for his grandfather and getting told the story of Genesis) and I understood the concept of switches, variables, etc.
But what I need dearly now would be some sprites and tilesets - I already found some bigger tents, but all the characters (like people1.png etc) are more or less useless for me.
What I need are people in robes and such and some things to spice up the desert. Does anybody has a good source for this kind of stuff (I´m using rpg maker MV).
Any kind of help is highly appreciated!

Orange Jones

Towns Guard
Hi! There are some really nice desert tiles here which you can mix with the default RTP tiles, and the post has some tiles for sandy-looking caves as well. And if you don't mind paying for a tileset, there's one here which looks good.

I'm not sure about sprites, maybe somebody else can help you there. The game sounds cool, hope it goes well :)


Hello fellow forum user, and thank you very much for your infos! Paying is absolutely no problem, as my project is now due at january.
Thank you very, very much for the tipps!! I was looking for some good desert-tiles for ages!

Now the only thing I would need are some more NPCs wearing robes, or egyptians, stuff like that. Thanks again!
I would really love to present the game, but unfortunatley it´s in german ... maybe I have time for a small english summary when it´s done! Hopefully I´ll be able to use the rpg-maker in school next year with the pupils!


Oh wow, those are amazing! I´m actually thinking about reworking all the desertmaps I´ve completed so far bc your tilesets look so great.
Thank you very much, you´ve really helped me alot! I´ll make sure to mention your work in my master thesis when I get these tilesets to work (I´m still struggeling editing these in photoshop to make them usable).

Greetings and thanks!