Indie Dev

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Any RPGmaker Turn-based+actiony games?


Towns Guard
Any unusual combinations of turn-based + action Rpgmaker games demos/ videos/even completed games ?
Like the known games such as Valkyrie Profile(some series of it) / even the Xenogears(also some series of it)...
But made in RPGmaker softwares?

If there are any, besides the "RPGMAKER Martial Artist's High school"(forgot the full name)

Cuz I wanna see some interesting things and how to not complicate of whatnots? :D
And for some other reasons...


Towns Guard
PS:I have a button mashy deficit disorder xD
Need dis...
[doublepost=1459619647,1459619309][/doublepost]I did found one at YouTube...tho it was made in Game maker O.O

But still looks cool xD

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I've moved this topic to "MV Discussion" it's not a direct support question and is more of a discussion topic.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Well, the support forums are for questions that need a direct answer, usually having issues with an event you made or you're receiving an error, etc. If you're looking for ideas and how other people would go about developing mechanic or whatever then Theory & Development is a good place. In this topic here since you're asking about games technically, it should be in general discussion since you're not asking specifically for an MV game but you are looking for an rm game so I figured MV Discussion will work.
I like to organize it by category
MV Discussion & Support = MV Support questions and regular discussion.
Developer's Den - Looking for feedback or mechanic design ideas
Resources - Requesting resources or sharing them
Game Development - Sharing your project, looking to put together a team, etc
Commercial Area - Looking to hire or looking to be hired. As well as skill swap which is trading skill for skill.

You'll get the hang of it (wink)