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Amy's Pixel Art


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team

Hey guys! Here's where I'll be stuffing keeping a bit of my artwork. :rswt

Feel free to take a look and/or leave a comment! Just no using or reposting without my permission, and all of that good stuff.​

Thanks for looking!
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Not 100% sure what you mean, but I think so?

A few things were inspired by certain games (like the Ace Attorney style bust, or the characters done in multiple styles), but I made all of them in Photoshop lol.

For most things, all I usually start with is a color palette, and a very vague idea of what I want to create.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Yup! It's kind of my "project" at the moment.

That said, the size of the tiles doesn't really match any specific maker right now, so I'd have to tweak a few things most likely.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Aww it looks so cool(heart) Ness is so cute. I'm working on a game that has a similiar style to the tiles you created X3 (just less detailed) Love that backgrounds they look simple but also detailed and like they were made with much love. Is that star sky animated or is my mind playing tricks on me?

Anyways I really love your art but you already know. Did you ever manage to finish the character gen parts you were working on btw :D? Keep up your good stuff~


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@LTN Games: Thanks! Let me know if you have any suggestions/requests for it. I still haven't decided if it'll be more modern/medieval/etc. :)

@Cunechan: D'awww - thanks!! The backgrounds/planet/meteor/Ness & co. were all for my animation final. I had to put together a title sequence for a game, show, or movie, so I picked Earthbound since it's my favorite game. The space one isn't actually animated, but I thought about making it twinkle!

Yes and no on the generator parts. They're all made, but I'm remaking most of the hair. I decided I didn't like how some parts were turning out.

@Xyphien: Thanks Xyph!


Staff member
The halfbody is really cool. It reminds me of the sprites in the old Phoenix Wright games.
And, of course, the rest of the stuff is nice too. Keep it up!


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Thanks sage! And yup, that one is definitely inspired by the old Ace Attorney games. (cheeky)

I was up until 3am making these and I don't know why:


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Thanks @Zeefles!

Here are some cacti I've been working on. My floor tiles are almost ready, but I'm not quite satisfied with them yet :P

*updated the top post*
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oh my goodness! im so jelly... you are very talented... do you have any tutorials or suggestions of tutorials? I know that kind of talent isnt learned in a day, but having the ability to do that sure would make the difference in a game


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Keeeep up the great work Amy it really looks beautiful (girly) I love the small detail that the wooden things of the fence aren't all in the same line(snicker)

It would be so awesome to see a game in that art style


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Zeefles Thanks a lot! And hmmmm..... I don't personally use any tutorials, but I'll see what's out there. (smile)

@Cunechan Thanks so much!! I'm looking forward to at least getting a base tileset done (snicker)
[doublepost=1463073427,1462887643][/doublepost]Update: Currently working on some busts for a client : P


Bizarre Monkey

Keeeep up the great work Amy it really looks beautiful (girly) I love the small detail that the wooden things of the fence aren't all in the same line(snicker)

It would be so awesome to see a game in that art style
As it happens, there may be quite a few, huhuhu~

Those are the start of the run-time package for an engine being developed somewhere. :0

I can't say where because my post may get deleted by a desperate little manchild, but, you already know what I'm talking about. ;)

That is what I LOVE the most.
Lol, what the hell?

Like what does that even mean?