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AMA - Mr. Lister

David Lister

Hey, ask me anything!

It might be helpful to know that, while I don't make games, I do write music for them. Every good story deserves a unique, musical identity!

David Lister

@Companion Wulf
Thanks for asking. I'm an absolutely unapologetic wine snob, so my favorite times are with best friends sipping great vino. I have an amazing (and gorgeous) wife that I actually like spending time with - imagine that!! So we're two peas in a pod when we can ditch the kiddo's.

I like reading about music and theoretical physics when I can. As an INFJ temperament, (Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment) I'm particularly fascinated with psychology and the human condition. INFJ's typically represent only 1% of the population, so we're a rare bunch. (wink)

Oh, and I also like to play Boggle and Chess.


Staff member
Chess? I was so into it so much, I used to walk the high school hallways walking in knight movement sometimes. My Bachelor's of Science Degree is in Psychology, so we have a few things in common. My Personality Assessment was Elevated Mania with slight Schizophrenia, or as my guidance professor would say, highly imaginative.

What is your favourite stringed instrument?

David Lister

My favorite stringed instrument would probably have to be the cello. It sounds so beautiful all by itself or with an ensemble. I also like the violin, but it can't beat the rich tone of the cello.

As an honorable mention for a non-western instrument, I also like the (Japanese) Koto.
I have an amazing (and gorgeous) wife that I actually like spending time with
Always rewarding!

As an INFJ temperament
I tend to be much more Introverted and Intuitive than anything else. Been fascinated by psychology, particularly behavioural, from an early age, and quantum physics/mechanics as well.

Chess? I was so into it so much
I was a chess geek at school. Maybe I still am, not played it in a while.

David Lister

I was a chess geek at school. Maybe I still am, not played it in a while.
My Dad and I used to play chess all the time. After high school I hadn't played it in years... ...until I decided to break out Dad's old chess board and teach my son. My son taught my daughter and now they both play against each other.

David Lister

What's your favorite music genre C: ?
Do you listen to movie soundtracks?
My favorite musical genre is Classical with Film Scores being a close second. When you think Classical, don't think Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, however. I was raised on that music. And while it is masterful work, what got me into Classical music was Russian composers like Stravinsky and Prokofiev, the French Impressionists Ravel and Debussy, the 20th Century American composers Copeland, Howard and Diamond.

I didn't start there, however. I started first by listening to Film Scores. Once I had exhausted the Film Score library (I own hundreds of film scores), I wanted to find out where those composers got all of their material. The answer is that modern film score composers are influenced primarily by the classical period of the late 19th century onward. Their music shares the same DNA.

So... ...I like Classical and Film Scores in that order. As an honorable mention, I also enjoy Metalcore.