Indie Dev

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AMA - Khayalan


Towns Guard
Are you a girl or a boy?
Boy :)
Of all the different things you could have done for fun why game development?
Its a dream of mine since im 6 or so :P I was always interested in playing or creating... and so i wished a game had this feature or something else, and then i decided i build a Game thats like i imagine :)

On topic: do you have a favorite anime? if not, what is the most recent one you've enjoyed?
(cute) Im looking not too much Animes :) I think my favorite one is SOA, but like i said i dont watch Animes often (like every quarter year or so)
But i really like the Style of them

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
How long have you been using RM?
What is your favourite skill out of all the skills you have? Being a jack of all trades, there is usually something you like more than the others.


Towns Guard
How long have you been using RM?
What is your favourite skill out of all the skills you have? Being a jack of all trades, there is usually something you like more than the others.
MV is my first RM :P But since release (i preordered it <3) i like it :)
Whats my favorite Skill... Making Maps i think ;)
But i also like to explore JavaScript, just learning it right now, so that i can make more advanced Skills

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Mapping is for sure my favourite as well, and since I been making plugins Javascript is an awesome skill as well, especially useful for tweaking small things while developing your game.
You seem to be learning MV rather quickly, have you always wanted to create a game? What was you motivation for buying/pre-ordering MV?


Towns Guard
Mapping is for sure my favourite as well, and since I been making plugins Javascript is an awesome skill as well, especially useful for tweaking small things while developing your game.
You seem to be learning MV rather quickly, have you always wanted to create a game? What was you motivation for buying/pre-ordering MV?
Yes since im young, i started playing computer games at around 6 years :P
I thought buy it now or never and then i purchased :P