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AMA - JibstaMan


Towns Guard
Apparently, the AMA threads have gained popularity all of a sudden. I guess this is a good time to start then.

I am going to see whether I can bend the rules a little. Besides questions, we can also have a discussion (about the answers, etc). Also, I want to be able to cross-examine about opinions and such (nothing that should be in the respective AMA of that person, I believe).

So without further ado, feel free to ask me anything. I'll do my best to answer everything to my best knowledge. I know there will be tough questions for sure, since I did my homework and read the other AMA's... I'll let you ask the same questions again, just for your post count, ain't that nice?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Whoa, no questions asked yet? That is just mean, where are all the questions everyone? lol anyways.
I'm curious how long have you been a programmer? And how long have you been using Javascript as a language?


Towns Guard
Whoa, no questions asked yet? That is just mean, where are all the questions everyone?
Thanks for getting the ball rolling, that's very nice of you. You are a true pillar of the community. In one word: Dope! Oh, no, nvm: Awesome!

I'm curious how long have you been a programmer?
Well, I started using programming languages in high school. There was an computer science course, which included very basic Visual Basic programming. I enjoyed it and started using it to make a game of all things. It was an horrendous game, ugly code, but it did a few things. I abandoned the project, due to the boring copy paste nature. :D

Then I started to study computer science in college. Long story short, I guess including everything, it's about 8 years. Professionally, it's a lot shorter.

TL;DR: My best guess, for about 8 years.

And how long have you been using Javascript as a language?
In college, JavaScript wasn't really part of the curriculum. Strictly speaking, in year 4, we had a week to learn JavaScript (with jQuery, that is, so that doesn't count, does it?), only to ignore it altogether while using Java Enterprise Edition (with PrimeFaces for the front-end, which removes the need to write JavaScript yourself).

My first internship, I started learning JavaScript. The code was OK, because I had rewritten it twice. Product wise, it sucked. Not entirely my fault, for sure. Either way, I had learned some important basics. I'm not sure what I did after the internship. I guess I didn't use JavaScript all that much, but I might be wrong...

Anyhow, the second internship, I planned to use JavaScript some more. I ended up doing everything with JavaScript - front-end and back-end using NodeJS. During this internship, I used regular expressions extensively. After the internship, I was hired there. I've been very busy learning JavaScript's intricacies, spending plenty of free time using it on all kinds of projects.

So, to actually answer your question, I've been using it for about 2 years, aggressively trying to learn it in-depth and specializing in it. I still have a lot to learn, mostly frameworks and HTML5 API's.

In the company I work at, there aren't actually any good JavaScript programmers, so I have to figure out everything myself. I have to fix my own mistakes. I have to figure out better ways to organize things when the "bad quality" (subjective) is annoying me. This drives me to learn, to improve my skill and learn how to better organize my code.

TL;DR: for at least 2 years; 2 internships of individually 6 months and 1 year while being hired.

Cross-examination: anyone who actually reads the TL;DR without reading the entire post?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Now that is an excellent answer, I now know way more about you than before lol. It's good to know that I'm not the only one trying to learn Javascript by myself, learning from my mistakes and bettering myself all by my lonesome. Although it is nice to have someone more confident to learn from, it's also pretty nice doing it all by yourself, I feel the learning is a bit easier this way because you make the mistake and fix it by yourself, the brain seems to remember it easier. Probably because of the amount of stress during the problematic code lol. So that leads me to another question, which kind of programs are you scripting for your current workplace? Does it involve just about everything? Or is it specific to certain applications?


Towns Guard
Ah, shit. I'm not sure I understand your questions. I'll just write a wall of text and see whether I hit the mark.

Now that is an excellent answer
Thank you. Now it doesn't feel like a waste of time, carefully crafting a long post.

It's good to know that I'm not the only one trying to learn Javascript by myself, learning from my mistakes and bettering myself all by my lonesome. Although it is nice to have someone more confident to learn from, it's also pretty nice doing it all by yourself, I feel the learning is a bit easier this way because you make the mistake and fix it by yourself, the brain seems to remember it easier. Probably because of the amount of stress during the problematic code lol.
Let me answer the question you didn't ask, first. During my first internship, I had a subscription (and still have - unused mostly) at Learnable (now SitePoint premium). I used it to learn JavaScript as well as "Single Page Web apps". During my second internship, I've bought quite the collection of learn materials. Although I'm really curious, the price tag might scare me somewhat. Of that collection, I maybe have used about 5%, so yeah, still lots of learning opportunities.

So let me tell you some wisdom, @LTN Games. You Don't Know JavaScript! I've read the first three and the fifth of this book series, which is where the more advanced JavaScript and all its intricacies gets explained. I had some good laughs reading those books.

So that leads me to another question, which kind of programs are you scripting for your current workplace? Does it involve just about everything? Or is it specific to certain applications?
I'm reluctant to share what I work on at work. I'm afraid people will be overwhelmed by its awesomeness. I've asked my colleagues what they think about me sharing it and I got the green light.

I do just about everything. I consider myself a full-stack developer, although my job description says I'm a back-end developer.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.
I'm not a UX (user experience) designed, definitely not. We got a guy for that :D. But he can give me a design and most of the time, I can transform it into code.

NodeJS, SailsJS framework, MongoDB, Redis session store.

So what do I build? See for yourself.

Alright, alright. People don't like links with external information. So, let me explain.

It's a game test platform. We currently support iOS and HTML5 games. You still have to do the hosting for your HTML5 games, though.

We have a library, which catches all logging you do within the game. We send those logs to our servers and present you the data. This gives you the opportunity to keep track of events, while a real player is playing your game on their own computer/device. When errors are logged, you get to see them. If you log when certain quests start and finish, you get to see that. You can fine-tune the information you want, simply by using console.log. When the player uses the (iOS) Playtest app, there's also the option to take screenshots.

On the website, we have a dashboard for studios. There, you can view all the people who have signed up for your game. You can chat with them. You can view their playtest session (seeing the logs and date information). You can also send them surveys and view the results. An important thing to note is that games are private by default. You can invite people using their email address or sharing a link with them. Also, a game has 100 free spots at first, so the amount of testers is "limited". Testers will have to register - which is currently hidden away on the site... since we want people to use the app (slanty) and to be honest, testing games isn't really made accessible (not saying "not possible") without the app.

Note that we're somewhat moving away from games, since game developers aren't quick with spending money. So we're in the process of "pivoting", to allow apps as well as games. This comes accompanied with a new brand, just so you know.

Good luck handling the awesomeness I just dropped on you. I hope you can cope!

What is your favorite thing(s) in life?
There we have one of those tough questions... You just had to drop the bomb, didn't you?

Uuuhm. *minutes of wracking my brain*

Well, music surely is high on the list. Writing stories is also a possibility. Saying "programming" just feels wrong, so no. I guess the answer is: being creative with others.
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
You know, I think all of that awesomeness in the last post, glitched out the notifications of the website, otherwise I would have replied sooner. I'm amazed at what you do, it seems like a ton of work but the platform also seems epic and extremely useful, I can't believe you do this for a living and are also self-taught when it comes to javascript, bravo!

So now for another question, what is your favorite style of game to play?


Towns Guard
I really like games in which I can make progression. I really like games which are open to exploration. I oftentimes like games with an intriguing story. And I like games with action.

So, open world RPGs are basically the games I enjoy the most, preferably first-person. Games with a strong sense of story are also high on the list (e.g. Spec Ops: The Line and Mass Effect). Some (flash game) business simulators can also be lots of fun. And then there's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. With all the collectibles, I was totally going to achieve them all! But man, challenge: "SitRep Pro: VI" - Destroy 750 enemy devices while using SitRep Pro, is a humongous amount of boring work (slanty).