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AMA (Ask Me Anything) Thread!


Cyborg Kiwi
I love Reddit! So cool, but, ya know, I'm more of a lurker. I always liked reading the AMAs (Ask Me Anything), so I decided, why not make my own AMA thread?

Go ahead. Ask me anything.


Cyborg Kiwi
Was going to watch it, but then moved away from anime. I guess you could say, I sailed away to the moon.
All joking aside, um, I don't mind it. But with me and all anime, I more like it that despise it. Though I do despise it a bit.
(Apologises for my horrible jokes)


Cyborg Kiwi
What is your favorite feature of the website?
My favourite feature? The Off-Topic areas, of course! :P
Ooh! This is a neat idea.

Here's a question, where's that avatar from?
It's from the book series 'Skulduggery Pleasant'. Go look it up on images ;) It's a really good book series.
What's your favourite game console?
Newest Favourite? PS4. Without a doubt.
Favourite of all Time? PS2. I remember playing that addicting but stupid Sonic Racing game and the Dog's Life game (Which got scratched beyond disrepair). Ah, good times.

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
Newest Favourite? PS4. Without a doubt.
Favourite of all Time? PS2. I remember playing that addicting but stupid Sonic Racing game and the Dog's Life game (Which got scratched beyond disrepair). Ah, good times.
Me too, the PS2 was my all time favourite. I have nothing against the PS4, it's a good console for what it does. I just kinda wish Sony puts a large library of their great exclusives like it was during the PS2 era. I can't wait for Ratchet though :D