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Akod's AMA


Praised Adventurer
With @Micro's post about me being a ninja and being a quiet guy, it made me realize that even though I'm here a lot I'm still my usual self, being the quiet one of the group. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, this means that I tend to get to know others better than they get to know me. So, I decided I may as well make one of these to help counteract that knowledge imbalance. So, you know, ask me anything, or something.


Praised Adventurer
Wow, you're fast.

What is your favorite part of game design?
You know, even though I've used RM programs for many years I've never really been a game designer, so I can't exactly say I have a favorite part. Though, my favorite part of working with RPG Maker would be making complex eventing systems. I've always enjoyed seeing how much I was able to do without the use of scripts.


Praised Adventurer
The character in my avatar comes from my old community character back from my days, but it was originally modeled after one of my favorite D&D characters, a Tiefling named Galic. My username comes from a nickname I had early on in my internet life. Back then, my username was quite long and instead of writing it out every time they mentioned me, my friends would reference me as Akod, which was a derivative of the username. After I stopped using that username I went onto another, but I ended up not caring for that one, so I took on the username Akod and have used it ever since.


Dragon Goddess
Top 5 favorite games?

Favorite fantasy race? (I'm guessing tiefling? haha)

have you ever been a ninja for Halloween?


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Aww stop that XD Glad you did that ama so people can finally ̶s̶̶t̶̶a̶̶l̶̶k̶ ask you things. Does the ninja in your avatar wear no shirt ?


Dragon Goddess
Aww stop that XD Glad you did that ama so people can finally ̶s̶̶t̶̶a̶̶l̶̶k̶ ask you things. Does the ninja in your avatar wear no shirt ?
Cune asking the important questions. LOL.

question: What's your favorite element? (like fire, water, ice, lightning, dark, etc)


Praised Adventurer
Top 5 favorite games?
This is a tough one...I'd have to say my top 5 games are Shadowgate, Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear Solid, Monster Hunter 4, and Spec Ops: The Line, in no particular order.

Favorite fantasy race?
My favorite fantasy race is actually Kobolds. There's something about those little 2ft tall lizard people that I just like.

Have you ever been a ninja for Halloween?
I don't believe I have. I've been a punk rocker, a vampire, death, even a drunk hobo, but never a ninja.

Does the ninja in your avatar wear no shirt?
It's not actually supposed to be a ninja =P but no, he doesn't. Here's a portrait shot of him.

@Micro again
What's your favorite element?
My favorite element, depending on your opinion on what would be considered an element, would probably be space-time. Though, if you don't consider that a valid option, dark would be my next choice.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Silent Hill 2 (amazed) do you enjoy horror ?

One could actually take your avatar as bust in a rmmv community game XD Which role would you play in a community fangame ?


Praised Adventurer
Silent Hill 2 (amazed) do you enjoy horror ?
Very much so. It's definitely my favorite game genre.

One could actually take your avatar as bust in a rmmv community game XD Which role would you play in a community fangame ?
Indeed they could. It is, after all, my old community character portrait. =)
Normally, I tend to take the role of the warrior-type character, though I have been known to go healer from time to time.

What video game character is most like you?
Do you mean physically or personality-wise?


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Yesss Horror is the best right ?(cool) Are you into rpg maker horror games too ? Which ones are your favorite and what do you like about them ?


Praised Adventurer
hmmm, both I guess! I was going for personality-wise, but since you mentioned otherwise..why not?
This was a difficult question. I had to use one of my lifelines for this one. =P
According to my sister, who has a better idea for these things about me, I look like Adol Christin from the YS series with the reasoning of us both being a "tall lanky red head". And for personality she says "maybe Zidane from FF9 for that... sassy but really a nice guy" followed by the alternate answer of "maybe his friend that gets petrified?".

Yesss Horror is the best right?(cool)
Indeed it is. Except jump scare horror, those don't get me and aren't scary.

Are you into rpg maker horror games too?
I've never played any horror rpg maker games, but I'm sure I'd like them if I had.

Which ones are your favorite and what do you like about them?
If this was about RM horror games, then I can't answer it, but if this is about horror games in general, then here is my answer. Silent Hill and Silent Hill 2 are the pinnacle of psychological horror. The way they manipulate your mind in a way that you don't expect and actually manage to instill fear triggers into key aspects of the game is absolutely magnificent. Resident Evil pre-plaga are great action/puzzle horror titles. The mix of limited saving via ink ribbons, no run-and-gun capabilities, very limited ammo, a small inventory, and the three-direction aiming system makes this game one that requires you to make difficult decisions very quickly with a very real consequences. I don't know how many times I've dropped a key item to pick something else up and ended up having to run back to grab it through narrow, zombie filled halls, both ways, because I don't want to use up all of my ammo, or stopped to shoot an enemy, just to have another sneak up from off screen and bite me because I didn't have enough time to drop my weapon and run. Penumbra: Overture and Penumbra: Black Plague are excellent survival horror games. The mix of the eerie and mildly disturbing ambiance mixed with the absolutely messed up story that unfolds around you create a game that sucks you in and leaves you wanting more. Then you throw in the inability to really defend yourself against the monsters (well, you get a hammer in Overture, but it's awkward and difficult to use) and you now have to find ways to sneak around, distract, and escape from the all-seeing eyes of the mutated monsters that you come across during your descent into the mine and the madness. It made me sad that Frictional Games scrapped the series to make Amnesia, which simply wasn't as good. The Clock Tower series gets an honorable mention as being another good entry into the survival horror genre.


Dragon Goddess
What games are you playing right now? favorite Pokemon? (if you've played it)

Name some foods you like?

Coke or Pepsi?
Iced tea or hot tea?
favorite vegetable and fruit?

if you had to pick a theme song for yourself, what would it be?
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Praised Adventurer
What games are you playing right now?
The games I'm currently playing consist of Dark Souls 2: SotFS and Gravity Rush Remastered, mostly, with PAYDAY 2 here and there.

favorite Pokemon? (if you've played it)
Arcanine would have to be my favorite.

Coke or Pepsi?
Both are good, and I drink both frequently, but I prefer Pepsi.

Iced tea or hot tea?
Hot tea. Nothing beats a nice hot cup of Oolong tea.

favorite vegetable and fruit?
Favorite fruit is a hass avocado (not a fan of California avocados) and favorite vegetable is a bell pepper (technically a fruit, but considered part of the vegetable group).

if you had to pick a theme song for yourself, what would it be?
Kind of an odd thing to think about, but if I had to pick I'd probably choose this. I enjoy the upbeat, free feeling behind it and I've played the game so many times throughout my life that it just kind of reminds me of my past self.


Praised Adventurer
are you currently working on any RPG maker games?
I am not currently working on any RPG Maker games. I've never been very interested in making a game with RPG Maker, actually. I mean, I enjoy tinkering with it, and I've been previously recruited by several people to help them with their games, as both a game tester and an eventer, but I've never felt the urge to make my own.
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