1. (This is the original sprite.)
2. I recolored the sprite using MV’s color palette (taken directly from the generator). I made a version you can copy/paste into a document
3. I added darker values to the edges of the sprite, which helps add to the contrast.
4. I softened the existing edges by rounding them out a bit and tweaking the values. Note the difference in how the face is outlined - it’s much less harsh now.
5. (This was more for myself than anything) I left the edges, but went over the original shading so it can be reworked. When I’m redoing things, it’s just easier for me to work from a blank canvas. ^_^'
6. This is how the hood turned out after I re-shaded it. Basically all I did was draw some simple fold lines, then add the shadows accordingly. As you can (hopefully!) see, they don’t have to be anything too complex.
7. I added some shadows to the top of the face, to show that the head covering casts a shadow on it. Here you can play with the amount/darkness of the shadow to change the appearance of the character. The darker/lower the shadow, the more sinister the character can look. The lighter/higher up the shadow, the happier/friendlier they can look.
8. Here I basically touched up the shading on the dress/apron in the same way I did the head covering. The biggest change here was darkening the area near the head covering, and tweaking the apron just a bit.
That just about does it, really.