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Adventures of a Dragon

Tuomo L

Towns Guard
Adventures of a Dragon

Aventures of a Dragon is a satirical fantasy RPG made by me, done on RPG Maker MV. The game features hand drawn battlers, bust, face and cutscene assets but I am looking for people who'll help with other parts of the game. This game has some mature themes and deals with some levels of raunchy humor, however this game does NOT contain any actual nudity or sex or such. In general, if anything happens these are mostly just glanced over, left to player's imagination and such. This is a game that tells a story about tolerance, acceptance and wild humor.


You play as a Dragon, who wants to destroy the world. Ill mannered, foul mouthed and beer drinking, who after another one of his attempts of destroying the world gets his plan stopped foiled again, he gets depressed and decides to go outside drinking. There, under his alcohol induced state, a former ally betrays him and poisons him, sending him into a coma. Thankfully, the narrator asked if a doctor was reading the text message and Jessie, a doctor asks him to be sent to her care. She performs a shock therapy that involves actually doing a shocking reveal; she is in fact a hermaphrodite. However, when this secret comes out she loses her job and becomes a social outcast, becoming mocked for her gender. The dragon, first time ever in his life actually feels bad for her because it was partly his fault and invites her to join him in another dimension, where he's come from. In there, he discovers that in an ironic twist, he's the only hope to save humanity that he hates so much...

That's just the intro to the game by the way.


Here are just some of the important characters. More indepth info will be given to people who show interest.


The main character, the last dragon of the world who loathes humanity, because they killed his wife who was pregnant with his child. As the two were the last remaining dragons, the humanity esentially caused upcoming exctinction of his entire species and it both makes him angry and depressed.


Jessie is a hermaphrodite doctor, who joins your party once you take her to another dimension. She and T start to form a bond over time, her actually starting to make him beginning to build his trusts towards humans again...


Sanefang is the best friend of T the dragon. Unlike his friend, he's an idealist man who puts up with the misbehaving of his best friend, mostly just because he feels sorry for him. However, dark turns of events cause him to do something extremely horrible...


Shelah is a massive, muscular woman with near superhuman levels of strength. She wears a mask to cover her face at all times because of a cultural belief of her people. She joins your party when she finds the dragon kinda cute and forcefully declares that she's now his boyfriend, without asking him of course.

Spots Open



Misc graphics (such as tilesets and such)

Testers (2-3 people)

Voice actors (Numerous)

WIP Screenshots

None of these reflect the final build of the game.

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Staff member
Resource Team
It looks really good thus far! Cannot wait for some more sneak peeks of the game in the future :)

Tuomo L

Towns Guard
For the place holders, did you draw those?
A bit of a mistake on my part there, I had that when I had these RPG Maker generator placeholder sprites. That art is actually used in game for the mugshots and menus, I'm not the artist, I'm not nearly good enough for the levels of stuff that are gonna be in the game.

I removed that line since it no longer applies.


Do people stick to satire for some particular reason? Maybe a bit unwilling to take on a serious plot? I mean once and a while they are funny, but it's like all I see on RPG Maker lately. :( Just curious is all, seems to be a trendy thing with RPG Maker in general (just look through Steam), no offense meant.

Anyway, I'd have to skip this one. Seems too trendy for my tastes.
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Tuomo L

Towns Guard
Do people stick to satire for some particular reason? Maybe a bit unwilling to take on a serious plot? I mean once and a while they are funny, but it's like all I see on RPG Maker lately. :( Just curious is all, seems to be a trendy thing with RPG Maker in general (just look through Steam), no offense meant.

Anyway, I'd have to skip this one. Seems too trendy for my tastes.
Satire allows you to do things you wouldn't be able to otherwise. Many people take their plots way too seriously, to the point that no one is able to point out the absurdity of the situation if it is absurd. Satire is also a lot harder to write than serious plot, comedy is one of the hardest things to write next to drama. To be able to make a person laugh or cry are emotions that are very hard to pull off.

Making it comedy and parody also means I can get away with a lot more things I couldn't if I'd have to be strictly serious, allowing me more freedom.

I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean about trendy.


Thats awesome. Remembers me on a manga....what was the end he has to "destroy" the world to save it. Haha, or kinda like my balls manga... where isnt allowed to jerk o ...oh well....whatever... :)

I'm curious how these scenes are put into action...really cool


Tuomo L

Towns Guard
Now the picture of Shelah is in colors so you can all enjoy the amazonian in all her glory. I also updated the original post to reflect this change.


Tuomo L

Towns Guard
This game will be a huge hit.
Thank you kindly, I do hope so! I plan on releasing it for all platforms. I may also make a mobile version but it would require a lot of tweaking in more ways than one but I have all the doors open.
[doublepost=1461059859,1460894145][/doublepost]I'm very happy to show you all a small teaser of how Jessie's sprite will look like during map sequences.



The sprite is cool but I think the hair could need rework, in the picture above it looked more spikey on the hairends. Also the hair to the left on her forhead is not to be seen. In your sprite it kinda looks very structured and not so bed-hair. Also the eyes give of a different feeling about the character - its just my personal opinion

Tuomo L

Towns Guard
The sprite is cool but I think the hair could need rework, in the picture above it looked more spikey on the hairends. Also the hair to the left on her forhead is not to be seen. In your sprite it kinda looks very structured and not so bed-hair. Also the eyes give of a different feeling about the character - its just my personal opinion
Yeah, the spikey hairend in the sprite just didn't come off looking as good, so we didn't put it in the sprite.

Besides I think her sprite looks kinda cute. (blush)
[doublepost=1468864855,1461231657][/doublepost]Just thought I'd share the father of the main character.

Seeing his son after long time makes dad happy daddy.
[doublepost=1470420785][/doublepost]WIP of Jessie's battle sprite.

[doublepost=1490273481][/doublepost]Game's coming along nicely, lotsa changes in preparation for the Kickstarter. We changed the witch Rosa's graphics too.


