Indie Dev

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Actor Command Sub-Menu Plugin Request


I would like to request a plugin that would add a sub menu to certain commands in battle. Here's an exemple of what I mean:

Let's say actor 1 can use 3 types of weapons and 5 types of magic. Each weapon has at least 10 skills and each type of magic has 15 spells. That means the actor would have 8 different skill commands plus the attack, guard and skill commands. In total, that's 11 commands! Of course, we can take the easy route and just create two commands: Skills and Magic, but think about the huge number of skills that would appear on the screen! If we select the skill command, there would be at least 30 weapon skills and if we select the magic command, 75 spells! That would be waaaay too much, wouldn't you agree? That's why I'm requesting this plugin.

In short, I want a plugin that would divide skill types into two categories: Primary skill types and secondary skill types. The primary skill types would be commands like "magic" and "skills", they would appear on the same window as the attack, guard and item commands. Secondary skill types would be commands like "Fire magic" or "axe skills". These commands would appear only after we selected a primary command. After we selected a secondary command, skills corresponding to the skill type would appear. If we select magic -> fire magic, then only fire spells would show up but If we choose magic -> ice magic instead, only ice spells would show up. If we choose skills -> dual gun skills, only dual gun skills would show up.

I'm pretty sure alot of rmmv users would find a plugin like this useful.

Thanks for reading this and have a good day/night!

Edit: If you need more information, don't be afraid to let me know. I won't bite.
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