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Action button with Outside B objects event

SC Fúria

Hi everyone!

I was working with MV and I found a little problem. As you know, the action button works when the player approaches to the event and presses space to start the event content. Well, this works fine with characters but if I use it with a stone, from map tileset Outside B, it doesn't. I don't know really why, but it does nothing.
My intention was to simulate that the player is crushing stones to obtain materials.

Thanks for your attention,


Mr. Trivel

Praised Adventurer
Did you perhaps set the priority on that event to Above characters or Below characters instead of Same as characters?

SC Fúria

Now that you mention it, the event priority was set below characters. However, I've tried to change it to same as characters and stills not working. The following image shows the event I'm working with. It's in Spanish, so probably it won't help but, it's better than nothing.

EDIT: Solved, I didn't took the pick before crushing the rock ^^' Thanks for the help! :)


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