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Abandoned game ideas?


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
you can't tell me you never abandoned a game idea (well maybe if you're new or when you're really hardcore working for a longtime. Do these structured people even exist XD?). However, which ideas have been in your minds?


Staff member
I really need to get back to a game I worked on over a year ago. It was in Ace, but it may be time to bring it to MV. I had a team of over 10 writers, from all over around the world, tell me about the different types of fairies. The main character Bobbi Ficus, was to visit these different realms, of which human were actually viewed as mythological creatures, trying to solve a civil war occurring in your home realm. This game project introduced me to the concept of paying for artwork.
I had two big projects I abandoned for different reasons.

First was The Gladiator Project. It started life as a simple hack-n-slash for 2K, which was ported over to 2K3. It wasn't very well-known but still had a small following. When XP came out its entire storyline changed, but it was based in the time of ancient Rome, combining history with futuristic technology. There were plenty of plot twists and turns. Even the language was "Latinesque" (kind of like pig Latin), invented as "gang slang".

It was an ambitious project given that I knew very little RGSS/Ruby script. It was then developed for VX and was 60% complete, all custom graphics. I asked around on several forums how to do certain things script-wise, mainly to learn, not for the scripts themsevles. I was met with condescension and ridicule. And eventually lost the drive to continue with it. (That's the very brief history of its long and checkered past.) Eventually the project was dropped. I may rekindle it for MV after Otherworld is complete.

The second was Paranormality (actually a planned trilogy planned for each of the RPG makers - XP, VX and VXA). Life took me in completely different directions and I no longer had sufficient time to invest in the game development, although I did write the trilogy as novels. The concept was based on my own experiences in parapsychology and paranormal investigations, focusing on Jack Urban, a paranormal investigator, whose quest was to search for his sister. She disappeared under mysterious circumstances and Jack was convinced that she was still alive but in the "Otherworld".

I've rekindled this project for MV in the form of Otherworld, but it's a departure from the original concept while integrating much of the storylines from the trilogy. It's basically five stories in one, with added characters, plot twists, and concepts.
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Towns Guard
I've rewritten a single game three times now. The first was some post apocalyptic story escaping from a war. The second was a investigation on cases in British Colombia. The current version is the failure of democracy. So yeah since the launch of MV I haven't finished a single project.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I've rewritten a single game three times now. The first was some post apocalyptic story escaping from a war. The second was a investigation on cases in British Colombia. The current version is the failure of democracy. So yeah since the launch of MV I haven't finished a single project.
Lol that's just fine XD Haven't finished a game too when I joined but I got one finished a few months ago (never released it). Don't worry, it'll work out someday :D as MJ said, start with a short game.

That's some cool ideas! I like the games where politics have gone shit as well as government and there's either anarchy,war or some weird dictator :D You can do so much just with this situation, there are so many possibilities for the plot and it doesn't have to be one of these "I'm hero and I'm gonna save the world" or "I'm the strongest and kick asses". There are many reasons why these situations are interesting :3 but don't listen to me I'm a history whore haaha~
I like the games where politics have gone shit as well as government and there's either anarchy,war or some weird dictator :D
Me too, especially post-apocalyptic near-future.

I've rewritten a single game three times now. The first was some post apocalyptic story escaping from a war. The second was a investigation on cases in British Colombia. The current version is the failure of democracy. So yeah since the launch of MV I haven't finished a single project.
My other half told me once (when I was getting frustrated with Otherworld in its first incarnation and when I was over-thinking things): "When the time is right, something big will come out of something small.", which is just another way of saying what's already been said. ;)