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A Rant To My Current (PC) Mouse

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Okay, so two weeks back when I was at my friends I brought my laptop and my wireless mouse with me, all was good I rarely used my laptop that weekend I was there. Anyways to get to the point of this when I finally left my friend house, I left my damn wireless mouse there, now this mouse has been my right hands best friend for two years now, you could almost say he was my right-hand man ;) So when I finally got home I discovered my mouse was missing, I was disappointed but not in fear, I knew I owned another wireless mouse, so I got it out, put in the batteries and started using it. Well let me tell you, after using it for a the last few weeks there is one thing that drives me F**** nuts, the middle mouse button/scroller is absolutly terrible because it's so sensitive and it can't be turned down. Basically my main issue is I use the middle mouse button to open links in new tabs, but with this mouse everytime I go to click in the mouse button, I scroll up or down just missing the damn link and this happened all the damn time and I'm about to throw the mouse across the room, but then I would have no mouse and I would be even more pissed off lol. [/rant]

Now that I'm done with my rant I'm curious how close you guys are to your mouse?, how often do you change your mouse?, and have you ever experienced the crazyness I been going through for the last few weeks?


I use my mouse until it breaks. My favorite one has to be the old MS Sidewinder. Everyone hated that thing, but it was perfect for me. I sure missed it when the laser accuracy went bad. :(

Right now I'm enjoying Logitech G502 mouse pretty well, it's very accurate and fairly durable. It has a hyper scroll wheel and a few programmable buttons (I also love them for tab browsing). I'm usually at around 3250 DPI.

I picked up Logitech M570 Ball mouse, and I'm up to the highest speed on the ball now. When it comes to extremely minute movements, it's definitely not cutting it though. I'm debating whether to return it or not. I mainly got it to take some stress off my wrist during gaming sessions. It help my wrist indeed, but for some reason I get a nasty pain in the lower part of my back when I use the trackball. Really odd. I think it's because I unconsciously move my body to the right side of my chair when I'm using it, to try to get more accurate during the smaller movements.

I also grow attached to my mousepads. People knock the wrist rests, but I love mine. Hating dragging my wrist against a desk corner. X_X Same goes with my chair and monitor positioning, they have to be just perfect or I will get soreness all over hehe.


Dragon Goddess
I used my mice until they broke or someone gave me a better one. since i got a job though, I bought myself a nice Roccat Kone XTD mouse that lights up! (I really just wanted it because it lights up...)

I absolutely adore my mouse and got a matching Roccat keyboard that also lights up :D if it lights up, I love it. I will use this one until it doesn't work anymore, but hopefully it will last me a long time!


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I usually use a mouse until someone buys me a new one. For some reason a wireless mouse is a really popular Christmas present choice for me. *shrugs* At the moment, though, I don't use a mouse unless I'm working in 3D modeling programs like Maya or Blender (sometimes even then I just use a touchpad). Pretty much anything else is done with the touchpad on my laptop, or a drawing tablet.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I'm not one to use my mouse all that excessively and by all means I wouldn't even be able to since those cheap things I own are very straining to my hand. Thus, most of the time I'm using the touchpad. The only exception is when I'm using my DAWs to write music. When doing that I need a little more precision which the touchpad can't provide me with.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Okay, so a few years ago I used a touchpad all the time, but as soon as it comes to making games, graphics design and playing games, I can't stand the touchpad. For me the mouse makes my productivity increase a lot for me, I'm not sure why, but it does. Ever since I switched to a mouse because of my productivity I never went back to touchpad, now it's literally my last resort lol.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Eh, I can't blame you there. I played through Amnesia using my touchpad last week and that was, uh... an adventure. A HORRIFYING ADVENTURE THAT MADE ME AFRAID OF SQUEAKING DOORS, but still an adventure.

Using a mouse certainly makes gaming a lot easier :D


I use this for my keyboard and mouse when I am not just on my laptop. The mouse took some getting used to, but both the keyboard and mouse work fantastically and have helped the pain in my hands/wrists.

Bizarre Monkey

Mine's starting to click less-so based on my clicking and more so 'When i diddily darn well feel like it pardner!

I like it too much for it to be a problem yet, though. I've had it for over three years!


Now that's a tidy desk! Mine is littered/dercorated with Amiibos and 7 speakers. I like that keyboard drawer, does it help with wrist fatigue while typing?