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A Pirate's Ship for Me

Joshua Amado

Hey Everyone!

Quick question, I'm working in MV and wondering if there is a good pirate ship or even regular ship tileset that will work? I need one to continue my story in a game my company is working on. If anyone has any ideas or even the Tilesets do you mind posting below?

and in advance,

Thank you for all that you do

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I moved to this Resource Request, next time please try and find the appropriate forum before posting. If you have issues finding the correct forum, post it where you think is best and report it, asking if it's a good place for it. Thanks :)

Joshua Amado

@Maple made one as far as I know but I'm not sure if it's posted on rmmv. Anyways you can find it here
Hope this is kinda what you're looking for ^^
No im looking for more of an overhead map with the ability to walk around the ship
No im looking for more of an overhead map with the ability to walk around the ship
Thanks though

Alcha Emy

Towns Guard
Alcha here to solve your problems! Here is an edit of an airship someone made from VX Ace! I have changed it to not only work in MV but also has more of a normal ship look. I left some chains as they could be considered ancor chains and also maybe the captain just likes his/her privacy while sailing? Don't give me credit for the ship itself as I didn't make it and honestly have no idea who did. It's something my creator had in his old unfinished Ace project from a looong time ago XD

But credit for the edit wouldn't hurt~ Heh, that rymed >w<

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Studious Dark Lord
Nice edit @Alcha Emy but don't forget to put the name of the artist who first created it. It's only right.

nevermind, I missed vital information on the text... but are you sure that the artist was okay with using it?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Do you own RM XP ? I'm pretty sure it has a pirate ship in the tilesets and you could easily resize it with MVFU. There is also a pirate ship here but the style may look very odd next to RTP.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Do you own RM XP ? I'm pretty sure it has a pirate ship in the tilesets and you could easily resize it with MVFU. There is also a pirate ship here but the style may look very odd next to RTP.
It's an edit of Avadans Shíp I guess which is on the resource blacklist since some ripped parts are there too.
Ronja Räubertochter from forums said:
Als berühmtestes Beispiel (leider nicht für die Rips berühmt, sonder viel genutzt) sei hier Avadans Schiff genannt:

Leider - viel genutzt, schön anzusehen und beliebt unter VX/Acelern - sind Avadans Schiffe nur zum Teil aus dem Ace-RTP editiert und enthalten einige Rips!
("As a popular example (unfortunately not famous for the rips but for being used very often) here is Avadan's ship. Unhappily- often used but pretty and popular for people working with VX/ACE, Avadan's ships are only partly edited from the ace rtp and contain some rips)
Atleast that's what I know, original thread is this: (you can use google translate or anything)

Since I can't find prove if it IS containing rips it MIGHT be usable when you give credits to Avadan of course. But if you wanna stay on the "safe side" I'd suggest to not use any version of Avadan's ship.

Joshua Amado

Alcha here to solve your problems! Here is an edit of an airship someone made from VX Ace! I have changed it to not only work in MV but also has more of a normal ship look. I left some chains as they could be considered ancor chains and also maybe the captain just likes his/her privacy while sailing? Don't give me credit for the ship itself as I didn't make it and honestly have no idea who did. It's something my creator had in his old unfinished Ace project from a looong time ago XD

But credit for the edit wouldn't hurt~ Heh, that rymed >w<

Hey Alcha thank you for the help but I can't find were you linked it. Did you post it here?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
The pirate ship was cut out of the post because it contains rips, the original ship created by avadan is well known for being on the reosurce blacklist.