Indie Dev

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A New Designer Approaches!

Hello all! My name is ClosetGaMR, though you may also just refer to me as Closet.

I am a gaming enthusiast and amateur Game Designer/Programmer. I also dabble with music and artwork, a jack of all trades if you will. Being familiar with RPG Maker and having played around with it since the release of VX, I felt it was about time to start contributing to the MV community where I can, from showcasing any games that I make myself, to assisting others with their snags, bugs, and general development questions.

I hope to be both a friend and possible colleague to all of you here, and I hope we can all make something beautiful within this community of like-minded gamers and developers.


Staff member
Hi Closet Gaming, and welcome to the forums. I look forward to seeing some of your diversified contributions.


Praised Adventurer
Welcome to the forum, @Closet!

Glad you decided to join us. You joined the right place to make friends, I find that most everyone here is quite friendly. I look forward to seeing what you post on the site. =)

I hope to see you around!