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8 Years in the works! No title! Tons of story s2!


The 1 Project that has Ruled in the Land of My Consciousness for 8 YEARS! D:<
Written solely by Barchetta (Jeremy ********) © All rights reserved

Welcome everyone! My name is Jeremy and this is the one story that I have been developing for nearly eight years! Though I'm unsure, this project was mentioned in my introduction thread but I figured I'd go ahead and open and official thread here. While the game is in early development and I mean VERY EARLY development, I wanted to keep users posted just in case someone might feel the drive to join me in the adventure! :P Always nice to have some help!
Besides all that, I was actually inspired to write this story when I saw the perfect name for my main hero, Liandra Aura in an online MMO. A user actually went by this name. She was a kind hearted woman who loved to help other players and many people actually came to look up to her both in and out of the game. When she left, she entrusted me to her account and the her legacy, knowing that I would use her characters name in what would hopefully be my first published work.

Characters! (Still editing)

Liandra Aura
Age: 24
Race: Aasimar (Plane-touched of Half-Celestial)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 156 lbs
The story of Liandra Aura actually begins with her father, Gauis Aura. Adventurer and cartographer for the Valmerian Empire, Gauis traveled far and wide, exploring foreign lands, craggy wastelands, thick forests and the deepest caves. Through his work, much of the mainland that forms the Valmerian Empire is charted and well-cultivated. Many of the other peoples of the mainland have also joined the empire either through force or through diplomacy. On one of his many trips into the darkness of the abyss, he discovered a race of beings known as cave fey (ancient mortals that one might compare to a fairy). Amongst this group was Liandra's future mother, Shaiya Aura. The two moved to the surface in hopes of discovering all that they could about each other and the world around them. When the time came, they settled down in a mansion set aside for them by the empire and Liandra was born.
While her child years were mostly happy, a terrible event faced Liandra at the young age of seven. She stood in a pool of her fathers blood as she watch her mother slit his throat from ear to ear. Shortly after, she black out from the horror.
When she awoke, she didn't hold on to the feeling of dread for long for she now had a reason to explore beyond the walls of her home and into the world beyond. She would spend the next seventeen years of her life studying through her fathers grand library before traveling to the Valmerian Trade City of Northgate in search of answers.

Dexter Corvale
Age: 19
Race: Tiefling (Half-demon)
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 127 lbs
Down on his luck and without a place to call home, this lone adventurer has traveled the countryside in search of work until finding himself trapped without a coin to his name in the port city of Coro. With a terrible snowstorm raging, he finds shelter in a local inn but it isn't long before his race becomes and issue and a local at the bar picks a fight with the young Tiefling. As the city guards close in on the bar fight, Dexter and a man named Richard Mercredo escape into the street through the back of the building and clobber a few guards before finally having a chance to talk. Amazed by his skill in combat, Richard offers a job on the high seas as a smuggler. Despite the consequences of committing high treason, Dexter agrees to the offer and sets off on a new journey.

Jekka Mar
Age: 46
Race: Human
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 216 lbs
Brigade General of the 21st Command within the Valmerian Empire, Jekka Mar has known nothing but war and chaos onset by the differences between the free peoples of Baldun and the Valmerian Empire. As the man joins into the story, it becomes known that his command was actually stripped from him and the ones that still travel with him are but a small detachment who understood why he left the empire in search of a new home.
He's a quiet man who typically stays out of conversation except for when the need presents itself to him. He carries with him a huge burden that few can ever understand having been born into a family that has always served the Valmerian Empire. To be the first to turn his back on his home, his ultimate shame often presents itself despite the steadfast façade that he wears on a day to day basis.
To prevent any sort of spoilers to the story, I can't post much about Jekka Mar at this time.

Leilani Star
Age: 23
Race: Human
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 148 lbs
(Warning! Slightly adult back-story)Caught up in a pirate raid when she was seventeen years old, Leilani was terribly injured and lost nearly all of her memory, including both short and long term memory. When she was discovered floating among the wreckage by the pirate group that mounted the attack, they captured the girl and 'cared' for her long enough to enter her into the mix of human trafficking between the Valmerian Empire and the Neurrenian Empire. Purchased by a local whorehouse in Coro, the girl was forced to commit many acts but with no knowledge of her past, she was fooled into believing that this new life was the one that she always had. As such, she never questioned her work. A few years passed and she was yet again purchased by a merchant known as Richard Mercredo. Compassionate to the girls very real-world problems and an advocate for sparing the lives of people trapped in terrible situations, Richard offers her a new life on the open seas, much like he does for Dexter.
Her true value comes out when they discover a talent the girl has known as Henju, the ancient arts of drawing magic from the very words within texts written by the ancients. While many of these books have been deciphered over the years, there are very few who are actually able to use the written texts for their magical nature. This magic, however chaotic in nature often result in the events that have twisted and turned the very history of Illymara. While the girl doesn't know why she has this unique power, it slowly begins to restore her mind to what it once was and leads her on a journey back into the arms of her long lost family.

Naomi Star
Age: 19-20
Race: Human
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130 lbs
Disgusted by her family's lack of drive in committing to a search for her lost sister, Leilani, Naomi departed her home in Caliz, the western port city of the Valmerian Empire, for Northgate. With a rather handsome chunk of change, the girl purchased a ship and hired a rather unruly crew in hopes of setting sale for Coro. However, the girl quickly came to realize that this crew had little on their mind in the way of helping her in her search and thus she decided to make this little mission of hers a secret hidden behind pirating and looting on the open seas. As the year went on, she came to realize that she had quite a bit of talent in pirating and she decided to don the alias "Scream" as she would often torture those who disobeyed her rule as captain. Keeping to the alias, the girl put behind her the innocent days of her childhood in hopes of one day finding her sister.

The Legend that Started it All (Early development phase)

Centuries ago, when the world was still young and gods had yet to move on to create new worlds, the god of chaos, Tiamat, had a petty dispute with the other gods about what type of beings should exist on Illymara and thus he created a race of demi-god dragons known only as the Miniri. In retaliation to his deception, the other gods rallied together and created the imperfect mortal races.
From the gates of the Astral Plane, humans, dwarves, elves and many other races did descend on to the world that they would come to call Illymara. Infuriated by the very existence of these beings, Tiamat committed Vahella, an act that stripped him of his immortal status, to travel to the material plane and personally see to the destruction of the mortal races. Unable to do anything about this rash decision, the other gods simply watched from on high as Tiamat ruled over Illymara as a tyrant 'god.' Unknowing of his true nature and the mortal weakness that Tiamat now faced, the mortal races willingly obeyed the tyrant god for several hundred years after the initial conflict was over.
The world appeared to have no form of salvation from Tiamat but as time passed on, an opportunity presented itself. Due to his mortal form, the energies that existed within the tyrant god slowly leaked from his shell and into the mortal races of Illymara. The first two to notice this shift in power would become known throughout time as the most powerful mages to ever exist.
The first wizard, a man of great respect and honor, was the Vice Chairman for the first 'self-proclaimed' emperor of the western continent. His name was Victor Ahneurax (Ah - ne - her - axe). Master of the three seals, this man specialized in astral magic and the divine energies of the world. Gifted with this power at the ripe age of thirty, this man had known a life of war and struggle which only drove him to using his power for peace.
The second wizard, Sol Dios, was only but a child when he was gifted with his powers which was unfortunate for his gift lay only in the destructive energies of the arcane and black magic. Incapable of fully understanding the power that he was born with, he began to test the limits of his power. As the energies with him swelled over time, he became more arrogant and eventually lost all sight as a human being. When he was around the age thirty or so, the boy met Sir Ahneurax and killed him in a terrible battle at the Straight of Barelai. Following the destruction of his only potential rival, the boy looked to the heavens and the floating Temple of Tiamat with anger and frustration in his cold, hateful eyes. With high hopes, he ascending to the skies and waged a three year battle with the tyrant god. While the people of Illymara rejoiced and supported the chaotic wizard for he was their only opportunity at peace, the boy thought nothing of him and it was quite often that a spell would 'miss' only to reshape the land so that he could instill fear in his new opponent.
When the smoke cleared, Sol Dios and Tiamat were both slain... or so the story goes for not their bodies nor the temple of Tiamat could ever be found again. Different versions of this legend have been told throughout the ages, mostly for the sake of instilling in our children lessons that must be taught one way or another but as time has passed and the telling has changed, one might say that even this, the most accurate form of this tale could quite possibly be incorrect.

One Lone Adventurer, a Bar and the Cold Nights of Coro
Settled on the southwestern tip of the northern continent of Neurrond, lies the port city of Coro. With the countries natural resources all but depleted and the Neurrenian Emperor placing extreme embargoes on foreign trade between the Valmerian Empire and Neurrenian Empire. As a result of this, many have taken to 'mercenary' operations and pirating of Valmerian ships all up and down the western coast of Neurrond. Aside from that, there are still trade ships that attempt to break through the embargo in order to smuggle much needed supplies to and from their home country. Our story begins with a lone adventurer who is down on his luck and trapped in the port city of Coro with only but a few coins to his name and an odd ancestry that breeds anger and mistrust between others and himself.
Our heroes name is Dexter Corvale and he is what one might call 'tainted.' The true name for his being is that of a tiefling, one born from the unholy bonding between a human and a demon. While his parents union was one of true love, few care to know of his family nor its noble upbringing. As such he's had little luck in finding work. When the tale brings him to a bar known as 'The Merl,' he meets a high seas merchant known as Richard Mercredo in an unfortunate brawl. Amazed by his prowess in combat and not much caring about the boys race, he hires Dexter on as a bodyguard to travel with his merchant band across the Banshee Sea to the Valmerian Empire. Despite the obvious dangers of committing high treason, the boy agrees to the employment offer.

Features of the game
1. A few unique classes/character play styles that will force the player to strategize more often than straight up killing the enemy through smashing the 'z' button.
2. An unforgiving enemy AI that will take advantage of every flaw in your characters, pushing you to the brink of destruction. No more of that "I can survive an attack from a colossus just because my defense is high enough!
3. Traps and events that will force the player off on tangents. Exploration will be crucial to your characters development and story! Should treat every interaction and every event as a potential lead to amazing treasure or a terrible death! Anyone curious what Tartarus would feel like if you were trapped in it at the young age of level 10?
4. While there will be adult themes, I will try my best to stay away from 'fan-service' as I truly despise games, shows and movies that implement it because too often does it distract from the story and often plays into a teens wet-dreams rather than give the impression that the writer is actually experienced in the art of story-telling.
5. Several mini-games and complex puzzles for the player to overcome.
6. A mass-effect inspired system where any small event can change the course of the whole game. Choose your actions wisely :)
7. Side-view and Front View Battle system (But who really cares about this these days?)
8. Hopefully custom menus and all that jazz once I start polishing the game. The focus will be story for the first few releases.

Plans for the future

There's actually quite a bit more to this story. A lot of this stuff is summarized and raw, lacking of the level of detail that I plan to implement into the story. Furthermore, anything beyond the back story is basically a collaborative work between my brother, sister and myself. As a family we've always had an overactive imagination.

TO BE EDITED AT A LATER TIME. MY COMPUTER DOESN'T LIKE Editing text here for some reason D:
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